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The Upper Oligocene of Antigua: the volcanic to limestone transition in a limestone Caribbee
Authors:Stephen K. Donovan  Trevor A. Jackson  David A.T. Harper  Roger W. Portell  Willem Renema
Affiliation:1. Department of Geology, Naturalis Biodiversity Center, , Leiden, the Netherlands;2. Seismic Research Centre, University of the West Indies, , Saint Augustine, Trinidad;3. Palaeoecosystems Group, Department of Earth Sciences, Durham University, , Durham, DH1 3LE UK;4. Florida Museum of Natural History, University of Florida, , Gainesville, Florida 32611 USA
Abstract:Antigua is a small island at the northern end of the Lesser Antilles chain. Its geology is largely limited to the Upper Oligocene and it records with unusual fidelity the transition from island arc volcanism to quiescence and limestone deposition. Despite the apparent limitation of a rock record confined to a short stratigraphical interval, Antigua has a geodiversity that ranges from thick andesites through silicified logs and freshwater snails in cherts to limestones that include both shallow and deeper water facies, and fine karstic features.
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