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引用本文:郑璐,张伟,王军,何晓峰. 1972—2013年杭州湾北岸金山深槽演变特征与稳定性分析[J]. 海洋学报, 2015, 37(9): 113-125
作者姓名:郑璐  张伟  王军  何晓峰
作者单位:1.华东师范大学 地理科学学院, 上海 200241;华东师范大学 地理信息科学教育部重点实验室, 上海 200241
摘    要:运用GIS技术对1972-2013年金山深槽的冲淤特征、演变机制及稳定性进行分析,结果表明:(1)长期来看,15m深槽区以冲刷为主,冲刷区占总面积的88.05%,冲刷量(120.35×106 m3)远大于淤积量(3.76×106 m3),年均净冲刷速率为7.46cm/a;深槽整体向纵深发展,纵长增加了7.34km,展宽增加近1km,且有明显向南展宽趋势;抗冲刷沉积层使得深槽在强潮冲刷下具有一定的稳定性,平均和最大深度波动幅度较小,平均深度维持在21.01~23.59m,最大深度在46.90~51.00m间且分布集中。(2)短期来看,特定地形条件下的冲淤变化明显受人类活动所致水沙变化的影响。2002-2012年,年均净冲刷速率高达22.14cm/a,2012-2013年,冲淤基本平衡。(3)基于15m、20m、25m深槽区中轴线摆动幅度的稳定分析可知,深槽大部分区域处于稳定状态,稳定区范围均占65%以上,但在第6次围堤西侧和城市沙滩前处于不稳定状态,摆动幅度较大,建议加强附近水文监测以及海堤安全评估。

关 键 词:杭州湾   金山深槽   时空演变   稳定性分析

The evolution characteristics and stability analysis of Jinshan Trough in the north shore of Hangzhou Bay during 1972 to 2013
Zheng Lu,Zhang Wei,Wang Jun and He Xiaofeng. The evolution characteristics and stability analysis of Jinshan Trough in the north shore of Hangzhou Bay during 1972 to 2013[J]. Acta Oceanologica Sinica (in Chinese), 2015, 37(9): 113-125
Authors:Zheng Lu  Zhang Wei  Wang Jun  He Xiaofeng
Affiliation:1.School of Geographic Sciences, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200241, China;Key Laboratory of Geographic Information Science of Ministry of Education, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200241, China2.Shanghai Petrochemical Complex Seawall Management, Shanghai 200540, China
Abstract:The erosion-accretion evolution pattern and mechanism within the Jinshan Trough is analyzed using GIS technology,aiming to imply the sediment transport characteristics in a complex hydrodynamic condition from a spatial-temporal view. Data during 1972-2013 was collected. Analysis results show that: (1) In the long term,the evolution in areas deeper than 15 m is dominated by erosion,accounting for 88.05% of the total trough area,and the erosion amount (120.35×106 m3) is larger than that of accretion (3.76×106 m3),with the average net erosion rate reaching up to 7.46 cm/a. Generally,for the Jinshan Trough as a whole,it is extending lengthwise and broadening southward obviously. The maximum length of it increased by 7.34 km; the maximum width has also nearly 1 km. Nevertheless,the anti-scouring deposit layer in the Jinshan Trough has somehow promoted a rough equilibrium of erosion and accretion even with continuing effects of the strong tidal currents during the last four decades. Besides,the average depth ranges from 21.0 to 23.59 m with a slight fluctuating amplitude,and the maximum depth from 46.90 to 51.00 m and are spatially aggregated. (2) With a basis of specific topography,the short-term erosion-accretion pattern are drastically affected by the water and sediment condition changes due to human activities. During 2002 to 2012,the net erosion rate is as high as 22.14 cm/a. On the whole,the erosion and accretion pattern in the Jinshan Trough keeps balanced during 2012 to 2013. (3) By analyzing the swinging values of the central axis in areas deeper than 15 m,20 m and 25 m respectively,it is revealed that most parts of the Jinshan Trough are in a stable state,which accounts for more than 65% of the whole trough. However,unstable areas are distributed at the west of the Sixth Coastal Levee and the city beach,where the water depth fluctuates with a larger amplitude. As a proposal provided by our research,intent hydrographic monitoring and accurate evaluation of seawalls' safety are required for the near future.
Keywords:Hangzhou Bay  Jinshan Trough  spatial and temporal evolution  stability analysis
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