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Late orogenic extension in the Bohemian Massif: petrostructural evidence in the Hlinsko region
Authors:Pavel Pitra  Jean-Pierre Burg  Karel Schulmann  Patrick Ledru
Affiliation:1. CNRS - UP 361 : Centre Géologique et Géophysique. Université Montpellier II. Place E. Bataillon, 34095 Montpellier Cedex, France.;2. Universita Karlova, PrF - katedra petrologie, Albertov 6.12843 Praha 2, Czech republic.;3. Universita Karlova, PrF - katedra petrologie, Albertov 6.12843 Praha 2, Czech republic.;4. BRGM - SGN/CSG, BP 6009, Avenue de Concyr, 45 060 Orléans Cedex.

The tectonic contact between low-grade metase-dimentary series and high-grade rocks in the Hlinsko region (Bohemian Massif) is commonly interpreted as a thrust of the Barrandian sediments over the upper Moldanubian nappe.

The sediments occur in an E-facing synform that contains a tonalitic laccolith on its eastern boundary with the Moldanubian, and is truncated by a granodiorite pluton to the west. The synform represents a late deformational folding event related to the granodiorite intrusion. NW-oriented normal shear in the tonalite is indicated by S-C microstructures. Kinematic criteria associated with the major foliation and lineation development in the metasediments also indicate a north-westward, normal shear. In addition, Moldanubian gneiss display late shear bands due to north-westward, normal shear. Consequently, the presumed thrust is a low-angle, normal shear zone.

Low-pressure type metamorphism (3 < P < 4 x 102 MPa) coeval with the major deformational phase in pelites of the Hlinsko synform is attributed to both the tonalite aureole and the extensive HT metamorphism (under P > 6 x 102 MPa) that has affected the underlying Moldanubian.

The possibly polyphase normal fault is consistent with the meta-morphic pressure jump between the metasediments and the Moldanubian.

We suggest that the tonalite intruded syntectonically within the normal ductile shear zone active during waning stages of the Variscan orogeny.
Keywords:Bohemian Massif  late orogenic extension  Variscan
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