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引用本文:郑建岚,黄鹏飞. 自密实高性能混凝土框架结构抗震性能试验研究[J]. 地震工程与工程振动, 2001, 21(3): 79-84
作者姓名:郑建岚  黄鹏飞
摘    要:本文分别用自密实混凝土和普通混凝土制作了两榀相同尺寸和配筋的单层单跨钢筋混凝土框架,采用MTS电液伺服加载系统进行低周反复荷载下的拟静力试验,研究自密实高性能混凝土框架结构的抗震性能。试验结果表明,自密实高性能混凝土框架的抗震性能符合规范要求,与普通混凝土框架相比相差不大。

关 键 词:自密实混凝土  框架  拟静力试验  抗震性能

Research on seismic behavior of self-compacting high performance concrete frame
ZHENG Jian-lan HUANG Peng-fei. Research on seismic behavior of self-compacting high performance concrete frame[J]. Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration, 2001, 21(3): 79-84
Authors:ZHENG Jian-lan HUANG Peng-fei
Abstract:Two single-story and single-span frame poured by self-compacting concrete are made. They have the same size and the same reinforcement. To study the seismic behavior of self-compacting high performance concrete frame, the quasi-static tests using MTS loading system have been done. Testing results indicate that the seismic behavior of self-compacting concrete frame is in keeping with the code demands, and there is not obvious difference between the two frames.
Keywords:self-compacting concrete  frame  quasi-static test   seisdric behavior
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