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Determination of the Geopotential Scale Factor from TOPEX/POSEIDON Satellite Altimetry
Authors:Burša  Milan  Raděj  Karel  Šima  Zdislav  True  Scott A.  Vatrt  Viliam
Affiliation:(1) Astronomical Institute, Acad. Sci. Czech Republic, Bo"ccaron"ní II/1401, 141 31 Prague 4, Czech Republic;(2) Topographical Institute of the Army of the Czech Pepublic (VTOPÚ), CZ - 518 01 Dobru"scaron"ka, Czech Republic;(3) National Image and Mapping Agency, St. Louis, MO 63118-3399, USA
The geopotential scale factor Ro= GM/Wo(the GM geocentric gravitational constant adopted) and/or geoidal potential Wo have been determined on the basis of the first year's (Oct 92 – Dec 93) ERS-1/TOPEX/POSEIDON altimeter data and of the POCM 4B sea surface topography model: Ro°=(6 363 672.58°±0.05) m, Wo°=(62 636 855.8°±0.05)m2s–2. The 2°–°3 cm uncertainty in the altimeter calibration limits the actual accuracy of the solution. Monitoring dWo/dt has been projected.
Keywords:Geopotential Scale Factor  Geoidal Potential  Altimetry
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