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引用本文:杨帅东,余湘娟,李玉起,王志强. 加筋土动弹性模量的动三轴试验研究[J]. 世界地震工程, 2010, 0(Z1)
作者姓名:杨帅东  余湘娟  李玉起  王志强
摘    要:采用动三轴试验系统对加筋土试样进行固结不排水三轴剪切试验。研究了在不同加筋材料、不同加筋层数、不同围压、不同固结应力比条件下的加筋土的动弹性模量变化规律,并与素土试样试验结果进行对比。研究结果表明,加筋土的动弹性模量随围压和固结应力比的增加而增大,窗纱加筋试样的最大动模量相比素土有了较大的提高,并随着加筋层数的增加而增大,土工布加筋土试样最大动弹模量与素土的最大动弹模量增减趋势不明确。

关 键 词:加筋土  动弹性模量  动三轴试验  最大动弹性模量  

Triaxial test study on dynamic elastic modulus of reinforced soil
YANG Shuaidong,YU Xiangjuan,LI Yuqi,WANG Zhiqiang. Triaxial test study on dynamic elastic modulus of reinforced soil[J]. World Information On Earthquake Engineering, 2010, 0(Z1)
Authors:YANG Shuaidong  YU Xiangjuan  LI Yuqi  WANG Zhiqiang
Affiliation:YANG Shuaidong1,YU Xiangjuan2,LI Yuqi1,WANG Zhiqiang1 (1.Engineering Quality Test Center,The Pearl River Water Research Institute,Guangzhou 510610,China,2.Geotechnical Institute of Hohai University,Nanjing 210098,China)
Abstract:In this paper,the consolidated-undrained triaxial shear tests were carried out with the dynamic triaxial test system for reinforced soil specimens.The change of dynamic elastic modulus of reinforced soil with different reinforced materials,different layers,different confining pressures,and different consolidation stress ratios was studied and compared with the test result of nonreinforced soil specimens.The results show that the dynamic elastic modulus of reinforced soil increases with the increas of confin...
Keywords:reinforced soil  dynamic elastic modulus  dynamic triaxial test  maximum dynamic elastic modulus  
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