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Long-Term Water Level Variations in the Eastern Sea of Azov and in the Mouth Reach of the Don River
Authors:Mikhailov  V. N.  Povalishnikova  E. S.  Zudilina  S. V.  Tiguntsev  L. A.
Affiliation:(1) Moscow State University, Vorob'evy gory, Moscow, 119899, Russia;(2) Don Mouth Hydrometeorological Station, ul. Leningradskaya 33, Azov, 346740, Russia
Abstract:Studies of long-term water level variations at marine hydrometeorological stations in the eastern Sea of Azov established a rise in the sea level which accelerated in the past 40 years. Allowance for the tectonic component permitted assessing the average rate of eustatic rise in the level. Oppositely directed long-term level variations were established in the mouth area of the Don River. Water level was found to rise at the downstream gages because of the backwater effect caused by the Sea of Azov level rise and delta deposits subsidence and to drop at the upstream gages mainly because of bed erosion owing to a reduction in sediment runoff after the construction of the Tsimlyanskoe Reservoir.
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