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Geomorphic evolution of a part of Middle Ganga Plain,Bihar: A case study using remote sensing data
Authors:G. Philip
Affiliation:1. Wadia Institute of Himalayan Geology, P.B. No. 74, 248001, Dehradun
Abstract:An insight into the geomorphic evolution of any area can be obtained by detailed landform mapping. In the present study, an area in the Middle Ganga Plain has been selected for the study using mainly remote sensing data. Various fluvial landforms have been mapped and the changes in planform of rivers over approximately 50 years have been evaluated. Both fluvial processes and tectonic activities are considered to have collectively influenced the migration of the rivers in this region. Digital enhancements of Landsat MSS and TM data are found to be quite useful in identification and mapping of subtle fluvial palaeofeatures. The present study demonstrates the utility of remote sensing in examining the geomorphic evolution of the area.
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