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Spectral observations of galaxies with UV excess
Authors:E. L. Karapetyan
Affiliation:(1) Erevan State University, Armenia
Spectral observations of 19 galaxies with UV-excesses from Kazarian’s list are reported. The spectra were obtained with the 2.6-m telescope at the Byurakan Observatory using the SCORPIO spectral camera. A grism was used to obtain spectra in the wavelength interval λλ7420-3920 Å. 43 spectra in which emission lines are mainly observed were obtained from the 19 galaxies, except for the spectra of Kaz 21, Kaz 178, Kaz 183, and Kaz 184. The spectra of Kaz 17, Kaz 151, Kaz 153, and Kaz 357 have type Sy2 galactic features. In the spectra of the galaxies Kaz 17, Kaz 151, and Kaz 153, absorption lines are observed along with high excitation emission lines such as HeI λ5876 Å and HeII λ4686 Å. No lines were observed within the interval λλ7420-3920 Å in the spectra of the galaxies Kaz 183 and Kaz 184. __________ Translated from Astrofizika, Vol. 49, No. 3, pp. 351–358 (August 2006).
Keywords:Galaxies  UV-excess  Seyfert
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