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引用本文:赵蒙蒙,徐兆礼. 海州湾南部海域不同季节虾类数量及其分布特征[J]. 海洋通报, 2012, 31(1): 38-44
作者姓名:赵蒙蒙  徐兆礼
作者单位:1. 中国水产科学研究院东海水产研究所农业部海洋与河口渔业重点开放实验室,上海200090;上海海洋大学海洋科学学院,上海201306
2. 中国水产科学研究院东海水产研究所农业部海洋与河口渔业重点开放实验室,上海,200090
摘    要:根据2009年5月、9月和12月对海州湾南部海域3个航次的渔业资源调查资料,对该海域十足目虾类的数量和分布的特征进行了初步研究,且探讨了优势种、温度、盐度、水深等因素对以上特征的影响。结果表明,5月虾类资源量最高,9月最低,12月较9月有所回升,分别以戴氏赤虾Metapenaeopsis dalei和日本鼓虾Alpheus japonicus、细巧仿对虾Parapenaeopsis tenella和刀额新对虾Metapenaeus ensis、日本鼓虾等为主要优势种。5月和9月虾类平面分布趋势均为西北外侧和东南水域较低,南面沿岸较均匀,东部和中部出现最高值;12月北面和南面近岸资源量较低,其他水域较均匀,最高值出现在东部水域。逐步回归分析表明,海州湾虾类资源量与底盐间存在显著相关关系,其他水文因素无显著相关关系。此外,优势种生态习性、赤潮和径流等是影响海州湾虾类数量和分布变化的主要因素。

关 键 词:海州湾  十足目  虾类  分布

Abundance and distribution of shrimps in different seasons in the southern Haizhou Bay of Jiangsu Province
ZHAO Mengmeng and XU Zhaoli. Abundance and distribution of shrimps in different seasons in the southern Haizhou Bay of Jiangsu Province[J]. Marine Science Bulletin, 2012, 31(1): 38-44
Authors:ZHAO Mengmeng and XU Zhaoli
Affiliation:1. Key and Open Laboratory of Marine and Estuary Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture of China, East China Sea Fisheries Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, Shanghai 200090, China; 2. Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai 201306, China;Key and Open Laboratory of Marine and Estuary Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture of China, East China Sea Fisheries Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, Shanghai 200090, China
Abstract:Spatial and temporal variations in the abundance of Decapoda shrimps were investigated in the southern Haizhou Bay in May,September and December,2009.The influences of dominant species,water temperature,salinity,and depth on the distribution and abundance of shrimps were evaluated.The results indicated that the abudance of Decapoda shrimps was in the order of May>December>September.Major dominant species in May,September and December were Metapenaeopsis dalei and A lpheus japonic as,Parapenaeopsis tenella and Metapenaeus ensis,A.japonicas,respectively. There was a strong resemblance in spatial distributions between May and September,when the distribution was lower in northwest outside and southeast waters,and even in south coastal waters,and it had highest abundances in east and middle waters.While in December,the shrimp abundance was lower in north and south coastal waters,highest in east waters,and even in other waters.According to stepwise regression analysis on shrimp abundance and hydrological factors, the shrimp abundance had significant correlation with bottom salinity,insignificant correlations with other factors.Besides, eco-habits of dominant species,red tide,runoff,etc,affected the spatial and temporal variations in the abundance of Decapoda shrimps in the Haizhou Bay to a certain extent.
Keywords:the Haizhou Bay   Decapoda   shrimps   distribution
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