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引用本文:梁兴,叶舟,马力,吴少华,张廷山,刘家铎,徐克定. 中国南方海相含油气保存单元的层次划分与综合评价[J]. 海相油气地质, 2004, 0(Z1)
作者姓名:梁兴  叶舟  马力  吴少华  张廷山  刘家铎  徐克定
作者单位:西南石油学院资源与环境学院,中国石油天然气股份公司浙江勘探分公司,中国石化集团公司江苏石油勘探局,中国石化集团公司江苏石油勘探局,西南石油学院资源与环境学院,成都理工大学,中国石油天然气股份公司浙江勘探分公司 中国石油天然气股份公司浙江勘探分公司
基金项目:中国石化集团南方海相勘探项目经理部资助项目《南方海相中、古生界天然气地质综合研究总结》的研究成果之一,四川省重点学科建设项目基金资助 (编号 :SZD0 414 )
摘    要:以最近十年中国南方的海相新区油气勘探评价成果为依托 ,以油气成藏和整体封闭保存体系评价为核心 ,在渝东—湘鄂西、中下扬子和滇黔桂三大区域划分出 9个有利区块 5 1个含油气保存单元 ,并将其归纳为四个层次。综合评价认为 ,方西和石柱保存单元具有较好的整体封存体系 ,属持续性含油气保存单元 ,为首选勘探目标 ;江汉盆地南部、句容—海安区块、南鄱阳坳陷、楚雄盆地东北部具备或基本具备整体封存条件 ,属于沉积重建型含油气保存单元 ,通过精细勘探可望获得商业性油气流 ;楚雄盆地西北部、南盘江坳陷、十万大山盆地和渝东—湘鄂西地区利川复向斜由于晚期强烈构造改造而仅存在部分封存体系 ,需要攻关探索 ;思茅、渝东—湘鄂西地区的花果坪和桑植—石门地区已失去整体封闭保存条件 ,仅局部存在封存体系 ,地质条件高度复杂 ,勘探风险甚高。

关 键 词:海相地层  油气藏形成  含油气保存单元  勘探区  勘探方针  勘探评价  综合评价  中国南方

Exploration Levels and Comprehensive Evaluation of Petroleum Preservation Units in Marine Strata in Southern China/
Liang Xing,Ye Zhou,Ma Li,Wu Shaohua,Zhang Tingshan,Liu Jiaduo,Xu Keding Liang Xing: male,senior geologist and Dr. degree in progress. Mail add: Zhejiang Oil Exploration Subcoporation,PetroChina Co.ltd,Longdu Building, Tianmushan Rd.,Hangzhou,Zhejiang, P.R.China. Exploration Levels and Comprehensive Evaluation of Petroleum Preservation Units in Marine Strata in Southern China/[J]. Marine Origin Petroleum Geology, 2004, 0(Z1)
Authors:Liang Xing  Ye Zhou  Ma Li  Wu Shaohua  Zhang Tingshan  Liu Jiaduo  Xu Keding Liang Xing: male  senior geologist  Dr. degree in progress. Mail add: Zhejiang Oil Exploration Subcoporation  PetroChina Co.ltd  Longdu Building   Tianmushan Rd.  Hangzhou  Zhejiang   P.R.China
Affiliation:Liang Xing~*,Ye Zhou,Ma Li,Wu Shaohua,Zhang Tingshan,Liu Jiaduo,Xu Keding* Liang Xing: male,senior geologist and Dr. degree in progress. Mail add: Zhejiang Oil Exploration Subcoporation,PetroChina Co.ltd,Longdu Building,376 Tianmushan Rd.,Hangzhou,Zhejiang,310013 P.R.China
Abstract:Depending upon the evaluation results of exploration in the prospecting marine sedimentary regions in southern China during the past 10years, 51 petroleum preservation units that are distributed in eight favorite prospecting blocks are classified from three geographical regions, the southern Chongqing-western Hunan-and-Hubei, Middle-Lower Yangzi and Yunnan-Guizhou-Guangxi regions, and these units are ranked into four levels of comprehensive evaluation of oil exploration. The units of Level Ⅰare the ones located in the areas where there are industrial oil and gas reservoirs with good or relatively good entire preserving systems and huge oil reserves in expectation, such as Fangxi and Shizhu units in the southern Chongqing-western Hunan-and-Hubei. The units of Level Ⅱ are the ones located in the research areas where there are some discovered oil and gas flows or active well-showings with a basically entire preserving systems to be expectable for search and prospect in despite of presence of complicated geological conditions. The units of Level Ⅲ are the ones located in the areas where there is certain scale of or locally entire preserving systems and they are worthy of search. The units of Level Ⅳ are in the areas where there are survival preserving systems with a certain prospecting potential in despite of presence of fairly complicated geological conditions with a high risk of exploration.
Keywords:Marine Strata   Reservoir formation   Petroleum Reserve Unit   Prospecting area   Exploration Evaluation   Comprehensive Evaluation   Southern China
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