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引用本文:彭建兵,兰恒星,钱会,王文科,李荣西,李振洪,庄建琦,刘鑫,刘世杰. 宜居黄河科学构想[J]. 工程地质学报, 2020, 28(2): 189-201. DOI: 10.13544/j.cnki.jeg.2020-129
作者姓名:彭建兵  兰恒星  钱会  王文科  李荣西  李振洪  庄建琦  刘鑫  刘世杰
作者单位:①.长安大学地质工程与测绘学院,西安 710054,中国
摘    要:黄河问题表象于河,形成于域,根植于地。针对于黄河流域高质量发展面临的地球科学问题特点及挑战,本文提出了“宜居黄河”科学构想,旨在构建一个包括“安全黄河”、“绿色黄河”、“生态黄河”、“和谐黄河”和“智慧黄河”5大核心内容的体系完善的宜居黄河研究科学架构,并对这5个方面的科学内涵和关键研究内容进行了阐述。其中,(1)安全黄河立足于工程地质学,研究黄河流域地质地表过程及其灾害效应,以保障地质安全需求,构建安全黄河体系;(2)绿色黄河立足于水文地质学,研究黄河流域水循环过程及其水土环境变化效应,构建绿色黄河体系;(3)生态黄河立足于环境地质学,研究黄河流域生态系统演化规律及其生态屏障效应,构建生态黄河体系;(4)和谐黄河立足于资源地质学,研究黄河流域资源开发与人地协调的发展模式,构建和谐黄河体系;(5)智慧黄河立足于大数据及信息科学,研究黄河流域地学信息集成与智慧决策平台,构建智慧黄河体系。这5个部分相互支撑融合,共同解决宜居黄河的核心关键问题,从而为保障黄河长治久安、促进全流域高质量发展,最终形成造福中华民族的“幸福黄河”起到科技支撑作用。

关 键 词:宜居黄河  科学构想  安全黄河  绿色黄河  生态黄河  和谐黄河  智慧黄河

PENG Jianbing,LAN Hengxing,QIAN Hui,WANG Wenke,LI Rongxi,LI Zhenhong,ZHUANG Jianqi,LIU Xin,LIU Shijie. SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH FRAMEWORK OF LIVABLE YELLOW RIVER[J]. Journal of Engineering Geology, 2020, 28(2): 189-201. DOI: 10.13544/j.cnki.jeg.2020-129
Authors:PENG Jianbing  LAN Hengxing  QIAN Hui  WANG Wenke  LI Rongxi  LI Zhenhong  ZHUANG Jianqi  LIU Xin  LIU Shijie
Affiliation:①.School of Geological Engineering and Geomatics, Chang'an University, Xi'an 710054, China②.State Key Laboratory of Resources and Environmental Information Systems, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China③.School of Water and Environment, Chang'an University, Xi'an 710054, China④.School of Earth Science and Resources, Chang'an University, Xi'an 710054, China
Abstract:The problem of the Yellow River is reflected from the river, formed in the region, and rooted in the land. In light of the characteristics and challenges associated with geoscience problems in succeeding the high-quality development of the Yellow River Basin, this paper proposes the concept of so-called"livable Yellow River", which is consist of five core aspects in a systematic and scientific framework, namely the"Safe Yellow River", the"Green Yellow River", the"Ecological Yellow River", the"Harmonious Yellow River" and the"Intelligent Yellow River". The associated scientific connotation and major research contents of each aspect are illustrated in this paper. Specifically, (1)on the basis of the engineering geology, the"Safe Yellow River" aims to solve problems encountered in the geological surface process and the related disastrous impacts, so as to meet the geological safety requirements and build the Yellow River safety system; (2)on the basis of hydrogeology, the"Green Yellow River" focuses on the water cycle process and the related impacts on water and soil environment, thus constructs a green Yellow River system; (3)on the basis of the environmental geology, the "Ecological Yellow River" explores the evolution law of ecosystem and the related ecological barrier effect, and establishes an ecological Yellow River system; (4)on the basis of the resource geology, the "Harmonious Yellow River" studies the development mode of resource exploitation and people-land coordination in the Yellow River Basin, and builds a harmonious Yellow River system; (5)on the basis of the big data and information science, "Intelligent Yellow River" studies the geological information integration and intelligent decision-making platform of the Yellow River Basin, and constructs the intelligent Yellow River system. These five parts support and integrate each other to jointly solve the core and key issues of the livable Yellow River, so as to provide a scientific and technological support in ensuring the long-term stability of the Yellow River and promoting the high-quality development of the entire river basin, and ultimately forming a"Happiness Yellow River" that benefits the Chinese nation.
Keywords:Livable Yellow River  Scientific conception  Safe Yellow River  Green Yellow River  Ecological Yellow River  Harmonious Yellow River  Intelligent Yellow River
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