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A Linear Programming Approach to Determine the Normative Composition of Sedimentary Rocks
Authors:V. N. Podkovyrov   O. V. Graunov  R. L. Cullers
Affiliation:(1) Institute of Precambrian Geology and Geochronology, Russian Academy of Sciences, 199034, Makarova emb. 2, St. Petersburg, Russia;(2) Institute of Mathematical Geology RANS, 12 Shpalernaya Str, 191187 St. Petersburg, Russia;(3) Department of Geology, Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas, 66506
Abstract:The analysis of modal and normative composition of sedimentary rocks is widely used for studying their sources and tectonic settings. The normative calculation of the mineral composition of rocks in this study is formulated as a linear programming problem and is solved by means of the simplex method. This enables both simultaneous and successive subtraction of a set of basic minerals from a rock sample represented by its chemical composition {SiO2...LOI}. Such an approach provides a more exact calculation of the contribution of basic minerals in the rock. This mathematical approach is used to study two representative sets of sandstones and fine-grained rocks from a Meso- to Neoproterozoic marginal basin of southeastern Siberia (Uchur–Maya region, Yakutia) and a Pennsylvanian-Lower Permian uplifted continental block in Colorado, USA. The calculated normative mineral compositions of the Siberian sandstones are consistent with the observed modal compositions. These sandstones vary from K- Feldspar rich arkoses at the base of the sequence (the Uchur Group, lower Riphean) to quartz arenites or lithic sandstones and wacke in transgressive successions of the middle-upper Riphean. Arkoses and quartz arenites are dominant in Meso- to Neoproterozoic Siberia. These samples represent craton interior uplifted basement and quartzose, recycled orogen provenance of a stable craton in Rodinia. There are higher but consistent discrepancies between the calculated and observed compositions for the Pennsylvanian to Lower-Permian arkoses and quartz arenites (Sangre de Cristo, Belden, and Maroon Formations). The differences between the predicted and observed mineralogy may be due to uncertainties in the modes in the matrix and cement of the sandstones. This normative program should supplement modal calculations and provide better genetic constructions, especially in case of matrix-rich sandstones.
Keywords:chemical analysis  normative calculation  linear programming  sedimentary rocks
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