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引用本文:李亚琴,赖锡柳,苏小玲,等. 西太平洋副高影响下柳州暴雨统计特征及环流分型研究[J]. 高原山地气象研究, 2018, 38(1): 48-56. DOI: 10.3963/j.issn.1647-2184.2018.01.008
作者姓名:李亚琴  赖锡柳  苏小玲  
作者单位:广西壮族自治区柳州市气象局, 柳州 545001
摘    要:
利用2010~2016年常规观测资料及区域自动站雨量资料、NCEP 1°×1°再分析资料,根据暴雨发生时副高脊线位置的不同,分类总结出5种环流类型及其相应降雨落区。结果表明:副高暴雨主要出现在5~7月,6月最多;华南沿海型发生的次数最多,副高控制型最少。华南沿海型、两广中北部型、副高控制型为“两槽一脊型”,两广中南部型和两广交界以东型为“多波动型”环流;两广中北部与副高控制型高原无小槽活动,其余均有短波槽活动。低层各型均在贵州一带有明显θse锋区,其南侧有西南季风气流向广西输送水汽和能量,其中华南沿海与两广交界以东型还存在副热带东南季风气流,但副高控制型季风及锋区均较弱,而近地面各型均存在辐合线,其位置与降雨落区相一致。华南沿海型副高增强比减弱时暴雨位置更偏北,强度更大,出现暴雨概率更高;两广中南部型与两广交界以东型均为副高减弱比增强时范围、强度更大;两广中北部型与副高控制型暴雨落区分散局地性强。 

关 键 词:副热带高压   暴雨   环流分型

Study on the Statistical Characteristics and Circulation of Rainstorm in Liuzhou under the Influence of Western Pacific Subtropical High Pressure Circulation
Affiliation:Liuzhou Meteorological Bureau, Liuzhou 545001, China
Based on conventional meteorological data, regional automatic station rainfall data and NCEP 1°×1°reanalysis data from 2010 to 2016, According to the different ridge position of the subtropical high pressure during the rainstorm, 5 circulation types and their corresponding rainfall drop areas are summarized. The results show that: heavy rainfall mainly occurred in May-July, highest occurrence in June, the most frequent occurrence of the south china coastal type and the least subtropical high voltage control type, the south china coastal type, the north-central type, the subtropical high voltage control type are "two channels, one Ridge", the south-central type and the Guangdong and guangxi border east type are " multi-wave" circulation, there is no trough activity between the north-central type and subtropical high voltage control type, the rest has short wave trough activity. At the lower level, all types are present in guizhou province with an obvious θsefrontal zone, its south side has southwest monsoon air to convey water vapor and energy to guangxi. The south china coastal type and the Guangdong and guangxi border east type also have a subtropical southeast monsoon stream. The subtropical high voltage control type that's monsoon winds and frontal areas are weak. There are convergence lines in all types of near ground, and their position is consistent with that of rainfall. In the south China coastal type, the rainstorm position is more northerly and more intense, and the probability of rainstorm is higher. Both the south-central type and the two broad boundary type are both the vice versa and the intensity is greater. The central and northern type and the secondary high control type of rainstorm zone are highly dispersed. 
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