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Sudden geomagnetic field variations in the night-side cusp-region during magnetospheric substorms accompanied by electron precipitation in the auroral zone
Authors:J.W. Münch  G. Kremser
Affiliation:Max-Planck-Institut für Aeronomie, D-3411 Katlenburg-Lindau 3, Germany
Abstract:The relationship between sudden geomagnetic field changes in the nightside cusp region and impulsive electron precipitation events in the auroral zone is investigated. The investigations are based on magnetic field measurements from the spacecraft Explorer 35, Explorer 33 and OGO-5 and on X-ray measurements with balloon-borne instruments from Kiruna/Sweden. The sudden field changes are characterized by a decrease of the field strength and a rotation of the field direction. The precipitation events represent strong flux increases within a few minutes. The field changes were accompanied by impulsive precipitation not only in the midnight sector but also on the dayside. They can be regarded as a manifestation of the unsteady magnetospheric processes during the expansion phase. Whereas both phenomena occurred simultaneously on the nightside, the increase of precipitation was delayed by ca. 5 min on the dayside. It is assumed that the simultaneous occurrence on the nightside can be related to the formation of a neutral line with a considerable length in dawn-dusk-direction. Mechanisms are also discussed which could be responsible for the time delay on the dayside.
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