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Empirical models of monthly and annual albedo in managed boreal forests of interior Norway
Authors:Ryan M. Bright  Rasmus Astrup  Anders H. Strømman
Affiliation:1. Industrial Ecology Programme, Energy and Process Engineering, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, H?gskoleringen 5, E-1, 7491, Trondheim, Norway
2. Norwegian Forest and Landscape Institute, P.O. Box 115, 1431, ?s, Norway
Abstract:An 11-year remotely sensed surface albedo dataset coupled with historical meteorological and stand-level forest management data for a variety of stands in Norway’s most productive logging region is used to develop regression models describing temporal changes in forest albedo following clear-cut harvest disturbance events. Datasets are grouped by dominant tree species, and two alternate multiple regression models are developed and tested following a potential-modifier approach. This result in models with statistically significant parameters (p?
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