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引用本文:刘新喜,夏元友,蔡俊杰,宁齐元,陈向阳. 降雨入渗下强风化软岩高填方路堤边坡稳定性研究[J]. 岩土力学, 2007, 28(8): 1705-1709
作者姓名:刘新喜  夏元友  蔡俊杰  宁齐元  陈向阳
作者单位:1. 武汉理工大学 土木工程与建筑学院,武汉 430070;2. 湘潭市规划局,湖南 湘潭 411100;3. 湖南理工职业技术学院,湖南 湘潭 411100;4. 湖南城市学院 土木工程学院,湖南 益阳 413000
摘    要:
降雨入渗是影响边坡稳定性、导致边坡失稳的最主要和最普遍的环境因素。强风化软岩用于高填方路堤填土边坡时,填土的压实度直接影响路堤土的渗透性和强度。利用饱和与非饱和渗流有限元模拟降雨入渗时高填方路堤的暂态渗流场,将计算得到的暂态孔隙水压力分布用于边坡的极限平衡分析,并考虑基质吸力对非饱和土抗剪强度的影响。探讨降雨强度、持时和压实度对边坡稳定性的影响。研究表明,强风化软岩用于高填方路堤压实度不能低于90 %;当暴雨强度为200 mm/d时,边坡就会失稳。其成果将为高填方路堤边坡防护设计提供科学依据。

关 键 词:降雨  高填方路堤  非饱和土  边坡稳定性  

Study on stability of high-filled embankment slope of highly weathered soft rock under rainfall infiltration
LIU Xin-xi,XIA Yuan-you,CAI Jun-jie,NING Qi-yuan,CHEN Xiang-yang. Study on stability of high-filled embankment slope of highly weathered soft rock under rainfall infiltration[J]. Rock and Soil Mechanics, 2007, 28(8): 1705-1709
Authors:LIU Xin-xi  XIA Yuan-you  CAI Jun-jie  NING Qi-yuan  CHEN Xiang-yang
Affiliation:1. School of Civil Engineering & Architecture, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan 430070, China; 2. Xiangtan Municipal planning Bureau, Xiangtan 411100, China; 3. Hunan Vocational College of Technology, Xiangtan 411100, China; 4. College of Civil Engineering, Hunan City University, Yiyang 413000, China
It is evident that the rainfall has a remarkable effect on slope stability.When the highly weathered soft rock is used for high-filled embankment slope,compacting factor directly effects on permeability and intensity of embankment soil.Transient seepage due to the rainstorm infiltration is computed using the finite element method.The computed transient pore water pressures are then used for limit equilibrium analyses of landslides.And effects of matrix suction on shear strength of unsaturated soils are considered.Effects of the compacting factor and intensity and duration of rainfall events are discussed.The results show that when rainfall intensity reaches 200 mm/d,the slope is instable.And the compacting factor of strong weathered soft rock used for high-filled embankment should not be less than 90 %;which is provided scientific basis for the treatment of high-filled embankment slopes.
Keywords:rainfall  high-filled embankment  unsaturated soil  slope stability
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