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A Study Of The Atmospheric Boundary Layer Using Radon And Air Pollutants As Tracers
Authors:Toshio Kataoka  Eiji Yunoki  Mitsuo Shimizu  Tadashige Mori  Osamu Tsukamoto  Yukitaka Ohashi  Ken Sahashi  Toshihiko Maitani  Koh’ichi Miyashita  Toru Iwata  Yoko Fujikawa  Akira Kudo  Roger H. Shaw
Affiliation:(1) Okayama Prefectural Institute for Environmental Science and Public Health, 739–1, Uchio, Okayama, 701–0298, Japan;(2) Faculty of Science, Okayama University, 3–1–1, Tsushimanaka oiwake-cho, Okayama, 700–8530, Japan;(3) Department of Geophysics, Kyoto University, Kitashirakawa, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto, 606–8502, Japan;(4) Okayama University, 3–1–1, Tsushimanaka, Okayama, 700–8530, Japan;(5) Research Institute for Bioresources, Okayama University, 2–20–1, Chuhoh, Kurashiki, 710–0046, Japan;(6) Environmental Science and Technology Department, Okayama University, 2–2–1, Tsushimanaka, Okayama, 700–8530, Japan;(7) Research Reactor Institute, Kyoto University, Kumatori-cho, Sennan-Gun, Osaka, 590–0451, Japan;(8) Land, Air and Water Resources, University of California, One Shields Avenue, Davis, California 95616–8627, USA
Concentrations of radon 222Rn andair pollutants, meteorological parametersnear the surface and vertical profiles of meteorological elements were measured atUchio (Okayama City, Okayama Prefecture, Japan) 12 km north from the coast ofthe Inland Sea of Japan. In the nighttime, the 222Rn concentration increased in the case of weak winds, but did not increase as much in the case of moderate or strong winds, as had been expected. In the daytime, the 222Rn concentrationheld at a slightly higher than average level for the period from sunrise to about 1100 JST. It is considered that this phenomenon is due to a period of morning calm, that is, a transition period from land breeze to sea breeze.NO, which is sensitive to traffic volume,brought information concerning advection.Oxidant concentrations,which reflect the availability of sunlight,acted in the reverse manner to 222Rnconcentrations. Thus, a set of 222Rn and air pollutants could provide useful information regarding the local conditions of the atmospheric boundary layer.
Keywords:Concentration of air pollutants  Inversion layer  Land and sea breezes  Mixing layer  Morning and evening calms  222Rn concentration
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