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引用本文:彭思岭,邓敏,黄丙湖,徐帮树. 基于ArcEngine的等雨量线绘制[J]. 测绘软科学研究, 2010, 0(2): 79-83
作者姓名:彭思岭  邓敏  黄丙湖  徐帮树
作者单位:[1]中南大学测绘与国土信息工程系,湖南长沙410083 [2]中国石油大学(华东)地球资源与信息学院,山东青岛266555 [3]山东大学土建与水利学院,山东济南250061
摘    要:等雨量线的绘制是济南城市防汛预警决策支持系统中最基本的功能之一。等雨量线的绘制最关键的部分为用已有站点的雨量数据进行空间插值,生成连续的雨量栅格图,再将雨量值相等的点连成等雨量线。本文用ESRI提供的ArcEngine组件实现了反距离加权插值(IDW)、样条函数插值(Spline)、克里金插值(Kriging)3种常用的插值方法,结合济南市现有的31个雨量站点的雨量数据,分别绘制出等雨量线,并比较3种插值方法的插值结果。结果表明:3种插值方法的结果都基本上反映了济南降雨的空间分布规律,而克里金插值的效果最好。

关 键 词:反距离加权  样条函数  克里金  ArcEngine  等雨量线

Drawing Rain Isolines Based on ArcEngine
PENG Si-ling,DENG Min,HUANG Bing-hui,XU Bang-shu. Drawing Rain Isolines Based on ArcEngine[J]. Geomatics World, 2010, 0(2): 79-83
Authors:PENG Si-ling  DENG Min  HUANG Bing-hui  XU Bang-shu
Affiliation:1. Department of Surveying and Geo-informatics, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China; 2. College of Geo-resources and Information, China University of Petroleum, Qingdao 266555, China; 3. School of Civil Engineering, Shandong University, Jinan 250100, China)
Abstract:Drawing rain isolines is one of the basic functions of the urban flood prevention and alert decision support system of Jinan. The importance of drawing rain isolines is interpolating precipitation with the precipitation data obtained from rainfall stations, creating sequential precipitation grid map, and then drawing rain isoline with the points of the same precipitation data. This paper implements three basic interpolation methods in ArcEngine provided by ESRI, whicb are IDW, Sp]ine and Kriging. Precipitation data obtained from 31 rainfall stations in Ji- nan are employed to draw the rain isoline with the three interpolation metbod, and the interpolation results of these three methods are compared. The results present that all three interpolation methods could reflect the spatial distribution of precipitation and Kriging is the best one for spatial interpolation.
Keywords:IDW  Spline function  Kriging  ArcEngine  rain isoline
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