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A review of the ocean science and technology partnership between US and Korea
Authors:Dong-Oh Cho  Mary Anne Whitcomb
Affiliation:1. Korea Maritime Institute, 1027-4 Bangbae 3-Dong, Secho-Gu, Seoul 137-851, Republic of Korea;2. Whitcomb Consulting, 2219 Cold Meadow Way, Silver Spring, MD 20906, USA
Abstract:In 2001, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Integrated Coastal and Ocean Resources Scientific and Technical Arrangement was signed to pursue scientific and technical cooperation in integrated coastal and ocean resources management in the mutual interest of the participants. Over the last 6 years, the cooperation has been very beneficial, particularly for advancing marine science and management programs in Korea, such as Deep Sea Aquaculture, Sea Grant College Program, Marine Protected Areas, and Ocean Observations. The benefits to NOAA from the cooperation include Deep-ocean Assessment and Reporting of Tsunamis (DART) buoys, ocean and coastal observations, GEOSS program, and Global Program of Action. Also the cooperation has spillover effects on other ocean science and technological arrangement between US and Korea. This article reviews purpose, obstacles, and achievement of the cooperation and suggests recommendations for the future steps.
Keywords:Science and technology   Cooperation   Marine environment   Ocean resources   Ocean management
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