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引用本文:邱兵,鲁明,赵洪飞. 贵州云门囤风景区地质遗迹资源类型特征及评价[J]. 贵州地质, 2019, 36(4): 375-381
作者姓名:邱兵  鲁明  赵洪飞
作者单位:贵州省地质矿产勘查开发局114地质大队,贵州 遵义,563000;贵州山水旅游资源勘察开发设计院,贵州 贵阳,550004
摘    要:通过地质遗迹综合调查,区内共有29个具有开发价值的地质遗迹资源单体。按照国家地质公园规划编制技术要求,这些地质遗迹资源单体分属于地层与岩石、地质剖面、地质构造、古生物、地貌景观、水体景观、环境地质等6大类和19个基本类型。通过建立相应评价标准对区内地质遗迹单体进行评价,结果为国家级1处、省级4处、地方级24处,它们能够为申报省级地质公园提供支撑。笔者最后从云门囤风景区可持续发展的角度提出了相应的建议。

关 键 词:地质遗迹  资源类型  资源评价  地质公园

Characteristics and Evaluation of Geological Relic Resources in Yunmentun Scenic Area, Guizhou Province
QIU Bing,LU Ming and ZHAO Hong-fei. Characteristics and Evaluation of Geological Relic Resources in Yunmentun Scenic Area, Guizhou Province[J]. Guizhou Geology, 2019, 36(4): 375-381
Authors:QIU Bing  LU Ming  ZHAO Hong-fei
Affiliation:Geological Party, Guizhou Bureau of Geology & Mineral Exploration and Development, Zunyi 563000, Guizhou, China,Geological Party, Guizhou Bureau of Geology & Mineral Exploration and Development, Zunyi 563000, Guizhou, China and Shanshui Designing Institute of Tourist Resources Prospecting, Guiyang 550004, Guizhou, China
Abstract:Through the comprehensive survey of geological relics, there are 29 monomer geological relics resources with development value in the area. According to the technical requirements of national geological park planning, these geological relics resources are divided into 6 categories and 19 basic types, such as stratum and rock, geological profile, geological structure, paleontology, geomorphologic landscape, water landscape and environmental geology. Through the establishment of corresponding evaluation standards, the evaluation results of the geological relics in the area are 1 national, 4 provincial and 24 local, which can provide support for the application of provincial geoparks. Finally, the author puts forward some Suggestions from the perspective of sustainable development of yunmentun scenic spot.
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