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引用本文:赵宗举,潘懋,杨海军,俞广,徐云俊. 塔里木盆地中-上奥陶统浊积岩物源分析及大地构造意义[J]. 地质科学, 2010, 45(3): 681-697
作者姓名:赵宗举  潘懋  杨海军  俞广  徐云俊
摘    要:通过地表露头及钻井取心的浊积岩沉积特征观察及古流向分析、砂岩主量元素化学成分分析及地震相分析,提出塔里木盆地奥陶系陆源碎屑浊积岩主要发育于塔东地区及塘古兹巴斯坳陷的上奥陶统之中,其浊流沉积物源主要来自盆地东南侧的阿尔金岛弧、其次来自盆地西南侧的库地活动陆缘隆起;仅盆地东北缘却尔却克山地区出露的中奥陶统顶部的却尔却克组下部陆源碎屑浊积岩的物源区,主要来自其北侧的库鲁克塔格被动陆缘隆起(台地隆起剥蚀区)。综合分析认为,晚奥陶世发生于板块南缘的阿尔金岛弧及库地活动陆缘隆起与塔里木板块的碰撞挤压运动产生的大量陆源碎屑物源,导致了板块内部多个孤立碳酸盐台地的逐步消亡及板块南部浊流盆地群的形成。

关 键 词:沉积相  浊流  物源  地震相  板块构造  奥陶纪  塔里木盆地

The source rock of turbidites of Middle-Upper Ordovician in Tarim Basin and its tectonic significance
Zhao Zongju,Pan Mao,Yang Haijun,Yu Guang,Xu Yunjun. The source rock of turbidites of Middle-Upper Ordovician in Tarim Basin and its tectonic significance[J]. Chinese Journal of Geology, 2010, 45(3): 681-697
Authors:Zhao Zongju  Pan Mao  Yang Haijun  Yu Guang  Xu Yunjun
Affiliation:1.School of Geoscience and Space Science of Peking University|Beijing 100871; |2.State Key Laboratory of Enhanced Oil Recovery(Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration and Development)|Beijing 100083; |3.PetroChina Tarim Oilfield |Company|Kuerle|Xinjiang 841000; |4.Hangzhou Institute of Geology|CNPC|Hangzhou|Zhejiang 310023
Abstract:Based on outcrop and drilling cores sedimentary characteristics and paleo currents observation,sandstone chemistry components analysis and seismic facies study of turbidites,we suggest that the terrigenous clastic turbidites of Ordovician in Tarim Basin chiefly developed in Upper Ordovician of eastern Tarim and Tangguzibasi depression located in southern Tarim,and its terrigenous clasts mainly came from Aerjin arc located at the south eastern brim of Tarim,secondly came from Kudi active marginal uplift in the south western brim of basin; the source rock of clastic turbidites at the lower part of Queerqueke Formation,top of Middle Ordovician outcroped in north eastern brim of basin should be Kuluketage passive marginal uplift located north of them. The continental riftogenesis initially developed at the northern margin of Tarim plate in Cryogenian and Early Cambrian,and the tensional stress tectonic environment from Late Neoproterozoic to Middle Ordovician,controlled the formation of several isolated carbonate platforms and the deep water sedimentation areas between them in Tarim plate,otherwise,the collision compressional movement developed between Aerjin arc,Kudi arc and Tarim plate at the south margin of Tarim in Late Ordovician and abundance terrigenous clasts produced by the collision,brought on gradually disappear of isolated carbonate platforms and the formation of turbidite sedimentary basins distributed in southern Tarim.
Keywords:Sedimentary facies Turbidite Source rock Seismic facies Plate tectonic Ordovician Tarim Basin
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