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Stably Stratified Boundary-Layer Flow Over Low Hills: A Comparison of Model Results and Field Data
Authors:Wensong Weng
Affiliation:(1) Department of Earth and Atmospheric Science, York University, 4700 Keele Street, North York, Ontario, M3J 1P3, Canada
A linear theory of airflow over low hills andthe MSFD–STAB model are comparedwith published observations made at Cooper'sRidge, north–west of Goulburn inNew South Wales, Australia. The MSFD–STABmodel results show good agreementwith field data in weak to moderate stablystratified flow cases. The originallinear theory overpredicts the wind speed-upratio even in weakly stablecases. After some modification, the agreementis greatly improved.
Keywords:Flow over hills  Speed-up ratio  Stably stratified boundary layer  Middle-layer height
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