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Assessing the natural recovery of a lake contaminated with Hg using estimated recovery rates determined by sediment chronologies
Authors:Matthew J. Parsons  David T. Long  Sharon S. Yohn
Affiliation:1. Michigan State University, Department of Geological Sciences, 206 Natural Science, East Lansing, MI 48824, United States;2. Juniata College, Raystown Field Station, Brumbaugh Academic Center, Huntingdon, PA 16652, United States
Abstract:Deer Lake is an impoundment located near Ishpeming, Michigan, USA. Iron mining assay laboratories located in Ishpeming disposed of Hg salts to the city sewer whose outfall was located along an inlet to Deer Lake. An effort to remediate the system in the mid 1980s which consisted of drawing down water in the impoundment in order to volatize Hg from the sediments did not result in recovery of the system. Since the mid 1990s, the remediation strategy has been to allow the continual burial of the contaminated sediments, i.e., natural recovery. The goal of this study was to assess the effectiveness of this strategy. This was accomplished by investigating the state of the system in terms of its recovery and estimating the time frame for recovery. Sediment cores were collected in 2000 to determine historical trends in accumulation rates and concentrations of Hg and other metals. Sedimentation rates and sediment ages were estimated using 210Pb. Event-based dating (e.g., peak of 137Cs in 1963) was used to supplement 210Pb data due to non-monotonic features in the 210Pb profile and activities that were not at supported levels at the base of the core. Selected results are that: (1) drawdown significantly influenced sedimentation patterns causing slopes for 210Pb profiles that reflected the influx of older sediment, (2) periods of Fe production correlate to Hg loading indicating the point source for contamination, a relationship not previously identified, (3) Hg:Al ratios indicate a recent change to a watershed pathway for Hg loading and (4) Hg concentrations had decreased from their peak, remain elevated, and were increasing after 1997. The cause of the recent Hg concentrations may be related to influx of contaminated watershed soils or sediments. Estimating the time frame for recovery is challenging in this system because the process of natural recovery seems to have been arrested and deeper, uncontaminated sediments, were not recovered as a basis for reference. However, a recovery to background conditions is likely not achievable since rates of Hg loading to nearby lakes and the current rate of atmospheric deposition are greater than an estimate of background conditions for Deer Lake. Assuming recovery continued after 2000, estimates of the time required for recovery varied based on the system state used to define it (e.g., recent rates of wet Hg deposition or Hg surface concentrations/fluxes from similar systems), but were less than 12 a. However, the recent increasing values of recovery indicators (e.g., Hg concentrations) suggests that these estimates are conservative and will be longer if recovery remains arrested, which may in part be due to the legacy of Hg contamination on the landscape. This study shows that estimates of recovery of highly disturbed lake systems can be made in the absence of within lake reference conditions by using comparisons to reference systems and challenges of estimating ages from atypical 210Pb activity profiles can be overcome in part using event-based dating techniques.
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