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Latitudinal shear instability in the solar tachocline
Authors:P. Garaud
Affiliation:Institute of Astronomy, University of Cambridge, Madingley Road, Cambridge CB3 0HA
Abstract:In an attempt to explain the observed rotation profile in the solar radiative zone and the tachocline, Spiegel & Zahn proposed a model based on anisotropic turbulent angular momentum transport. Although very successful in reproducing some of the features of the solar tachocline, their model assumes without verification that the origin of the turbulence could be caused by latitudinal shear instability. This paper studies the weakly non-linear evolution of two-dimensional shear instability, in which the interaction between the global rotation profile and the Reynolds stresses can be described self-consistently. Provided that the initial rotation profile is sufficiently close to marginal stability (which is the case of the solar tachocline), the instability is shown to saturate and to relax to a marginally stable state, which differs very little from the observed rotation profile. It is therefore likely that the tachocline is in a state of marginal stability with respect to latitudinal shear instability, and shows that angular momentum transport in the tachocline is unlikely to be caused by shear-induced turbulence.
Keywords:hydrodynamics    instabilities    Sun: interior    Sun: rotation
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