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引用本文:张红月,梁勇,王亮,赵荣. 青海西部土地利用格局时空变化分析[J]. 测绘科学, 2013, 38(1): 100-103
作者姓名:张红月  梁勇  王亮  赵荣
作者单位:1. 山东农业大学信息科学与工程学院,山东泰安271018;中国测绘科学研究院,北京100039
2. 山东农业大学信息科学与工程学院,山东泰安,271018
3. 中国测绘科学研究院,北京,100039
基金项目:中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费专项资金(7771025);基于OGC WPS标准的人口空间聚类规则挖掘PSE构建关键技术研究(7771024);“国家西部1∶50 000地形图空白区测图工程”单项工程“西部综合数据库建设”(B2595)
摘    要:

关 键 词:杂多县  治多县  分形模型  稳定性  景观格局指数

Analysis on spatial-temporal change of land use pattern in West Qinghai Province
ZHANG Hong-yue,LIANG Yong,WANG Liang,ZHAO Rong. Analysis on spatial-temporal change of land use pattern in West Qinghai Province[J]. Science of Surveying and Mapping, 2013, 38(1): 100-103
Authors:ZHANG Hong-yue  LIANG Yong  WANG Liang  ZHAO Rong
Affiliation:②(①School of Information Science and Engineering,Shandong Agricultural University,Shandong Taian 271018,China;②Chinese Academy of Surveying and Mapping,Beijing 100039,China)
On the basis of result-data by Western Land Surveying and Mapping,the paper obtained the comparative data of the two counties in western Qinghai Province after spatial data processing such as topology validation and correction,merging,splitting,overlaying,intersecting and simplifying etc.Adding the vector data into Arc Info software,it obtained the spatial data and attribute data of land use change by spatial overlaying analysis.After building fractal indix model and landscape pattern index model,it calculated the fractal dimension,the stability index and the landscape pattern index,each landscape pattern of the two counties was ranked according to the complexity(the fractal dimension D) and the level of stability(Si).Finally it analyzed the change of land use patterns and ecological significance of eight years according to the landscape pattern indices.
Keywords:Zaduo county  Zhiduo county  fractal model  level of stability  landscape indices
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