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Natural and anthropogenic C2 to C6 hydrocarbons in the central-eastern Venezuelan atmosphere during the rainy season
Authors:Loreto Donoso  Rodrigo Romero  Alberto Rondón  Emmanuel Fernandez  Pedro Oyola  Eugenio Sanhueza
Affiliation:(1) Atmospheric Chemistry Lab., IVIC, Apartado 21827, 1020A Caracas, Venezuela;(2) Air Pollution Lab., ITM, Stockholm University, Sweden
The levels of low molecular weight hydrocarbons were measured at pristine sites and rural locations affected by hydrocarbon emissions from oil and gas producing fields in Venezuela. At the clean sites, lower concentrations of C2 to C6 alkanes were observed, whereas, in comparison with remotes sites, very much higher levels were measured at the polluted sites. Alkenes present relatively high concentrations, with isoprene being the most abundant, all over the study region. The main sources of alkenes are likely to be natural, mainly from vegetation. The levels of alkanes recorded at the clean sites and the alkene levels found everywhere in the region are in agreement with the values reported for other clean sites in the tropics. The increase of ozone production capacity due to the anthropogenic emissions of alkanes from oil and gas fields was estimated. Due to the presence in the atmosphere of important amounts of naturally emitted isoprene, ethene and propene, which makes a substantial contribution to the reactivity of the hydrocarbon mixture, a small increase (<5%) was estimated to occur in the capacity of the ozone production at a regional scale during the rainy season.
Keywords:nonmethane hydrocarbons  isoprene  tropical atmosphere  oil field emissions  potential ozone formation
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