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On the estimation of mooring line characteristic resistance for reliability analysis
Authors:Roberto Montes-Iturrizaga, Ernesto Heredia-Zavoni,Francisco Silva-Gonz  lez

aInstituto Mexicano del Petróleo, Programa de Explotación de Campos en Aguas Profundas, Eje Central Lázaro Cárdenas 152, México DF, 07730, Mexico

The main aim of this work is to derive a correct formulation for the characteristic resistance of a mooring line segment with lognormally distributed component resistances and substitute an equation proposed by Vazquez-Hernandez et al. [Vazquez-Hernandez AO, Ellwanger GB, Sagrilo LVS. Reliability-based comparative study for mooring lines design criteria. Appl Ocean Res 2006; 28(6):398–406] in a paper published in this journal, which is not correct. The mooring line is considered as a series system and the resistances of individual components of a line segment are statistically independent and identically distributed; furthermore, the case of normally distributed component resistances is also discussed. A comparison with the corresponding equation proposed by DNV-OS-E301 is given. Results show that the formula proposed by Vazquez-Hernandez et al. [Vazquez-Hernandez AO, Ellwanger GB, Sagrilo LVS. Reliability-based comparative study for mooring lines design criteria. Appl Ocean Res 2006; 28(6):398–406] overestimates quite significantly the characteristic resistance of a mooring line segment.
Keywords:Structural reliability   Mooring system   Floating structures   Characteristic resistance
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