Abstract: | A layeredthree-dimensional nonlinear numerical model was constructed to simulate the generation andpropagation of internal tides over the continental slope. The simulation was split intoexternal mode computation (EMC) and internal mode computation (IMC) to minimize thecomputational load. IMC was carried out once after EMC was implemented N times. As to EMC,a semi-implicit numerical scheme was applied in such a way that the pressure gradientterms and the velocity divergence terms were discretized semi-implicitly, but the otherterms were discretized explicitly. Eulerian-Lagrangian explicit discretization was appliedto the convective terms simultaneously. As a result, the stability of EMC did not dependon the wave celerity and time step was not limited by the CFL condition. More than that,use of the conjugate gradient accelerated Jacobi method further improved the computationalefficiency of the model. |