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引用本文:支星,徐海明. 3种再分析资料的高空温度与中国探空温度资料的对比:年平均特征[J]. 大气科学学报, 2013, 36(1): 77-87
作者姓名:支星  徐海明
作者单位:1. 南京信息工程大学大气科学学院,江苏南京210044;上海市气象科技服务中心,上海200030
2. 南京信息工程大学大气科学学院,江苏南京210044;南京信息工程大学气象灾害省部共建教育部重点实验室,江苏南京210044
摘    要:
利用中国105站的探空资料以及NCEP/NCAR、ERA和JRA 3种再分析资料,采用线性趋势、标准差、相关系数、EOF分析等多种统计分析方法,对再分析资料年平均的高空温度在中国区域的可信度进行了分析.研究表明:在数值上,3种再分析资料的高空温度均小于探空资料的高空温度,NCEP/NCAR资料在对流层上层更接近于探空资料,ERA和JRA资料则在对流层中下层与探空资料更为接近;在描述年际变化和长期变化趋势方面,ERA资料在我国北方的对流层上层的再现能力较好,NCEP/NCAR资料在我国南方的对流层上层的再现能力较好,而3种再分析资料在对流层中下层的再现能力相当;在时空变化特征方面,NCEP/NCAR和ERA资料能较好地表现高空温度的年代际变化特征,而ERA和JRA资料则能较好地表现年际变化特征.

关 键 词:探空资料  再分析资料  双线性插值  多年平均差异  年际变化特征  年代际变化

Comparative analysis of free atmospheric temperature between three reanalysis datasets and radiosonde dataset in China:Annual mean characteristic
ZHI Xing and XU Hai-ming. Comparative analysis of free atmospheric temperature between three reanalysis datasets and radiosonde dataset in China:Annual mean characteristic[J]. Transactions of Atmospheric Sciences, 2013, 36(1): 77-87
Authors:ZHI Xing and XU Hai-ming
Affiliation:School of Atmospheric Sciences, NUIST, Nanjing 210044, China;Shanghai Meteorological Sci-Tech Service Center, Shanghai 200030, China;School of Atmospheric Sciences, NUIST, Nanjing 210044, China;Key Laboratory of Meteorological Disaster of Ministry of Education, NUIST, Nanjing 210044, China
Based on radiosonde dataset from 105 stations in China,NCEP/NCAR reanalysis dataset,ERA reanalysis dataset and JRA reanalysis dataset,a study is performed on the reliability of the annual mean free atmospheric temperature from reanalysis datasets in China by means of linear analysis,standard deviation,correlation coefficient as well as EOF decomposition.Results suggest that:In numerical aspects,three reanalysis datasets are all lower than the observed dataset,and NCEP/NCAR dataset is much closer to the observed dataset in upper troposphere while ERA and JRA datasets are closer in middle and lower troposphere;In terms of annual and interdecadal trend,ERA dataset has higher ability to reproduce those trends in the upper troposphere in north region while NCEP/NCAR dataset is better in the upper troposphere in south region;Three reanalysis datasets have comparable ability in reproducing the trend in middle and lower troposphere;In the aspect of spatial and temporal variation characteristics,NCEP/NCAR and ERA datasets can preferably perform the feature of interdecadal variance while ERA and JRA datasets can reveal the characteristic of annual variance well.
Keywords:radiosonde dataset  reanalysis dataset  bilinear interpolation  the difference of annual mean  the characteristic of annual variance  interdecadal variance
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