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引用本文:周念清,宋玮,大谷顺,江思珉. 应用CT扫描研究非饱和砂土中污染物的迁移规律[J]. 水文地质工程地质, 2010, 37(6): 97-101
作者姓名:周念清  宋玮  大谷顺  江思珉
摘    要:应用CT扫描技术对两种稳定非饱和状态的砂土试样分层进行扫描,得到不同深度CT扫描层图像,采用Image J图像处理软件将CT图像转化为CT数均值,然后在稳定非饱和试样中分别间断性连续注入污染物KI溶液,测定不同时间间隔CT扫描图像,计算注入污染物先后扫描图像结果的差值,建立CT数均值和污染物迁移之间的关系,研究污染物在非饱和砂土中的运移特征,得出非饱和砂土中污染物浓度随时间和深度的变化规律,对研究其他介质中污染物的迁移具有重要的指导作用。

关 键 词:CT扫描   非饱和砂土   CT数均值   污染物迁移

A study of the pollutant migration in unsaturated sand by CT scanning
ZHOU Nian-qing,SONG Wei,JUN Otani,JIANG Si-min. A study of the pollutant migration in unsaturated sand by CT scanning[J]. Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology, 2010, 37(6): 97-101
Authors:ZHOU Nian-qing  SONG Wei  JUN Otani  JIANG Si-min
Affiliation:1.Department of Hydraulic Engineering,Tongji University,Shanghai 200092,China;2.Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering,Kumamoto University,Kumamoto 8608555,Japan
Abstract:The computerized tomography(CT) is applied to obtain CT images at different depth of the stable unsaturated sand specimen by scanning each layer of the specimens.The CT images are transformed into mean CT values by the Image J software.This paper also introduces a new CT method to study pollutant migration in unsaturated sand by scanning the specimens,in which the pollutant potassium iodide(KI)solution are injected by the interval continuous method.CT images are measured with different time inte...
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