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A preliminary geoelectrical model of the Karelian megablock of the Baltic shield
Authors:P. Kaikkonen  L.L. Vanyan  S.E. Hjelt  A.P. Shilovsky  K. Pajunpää  P.P. Shilovsky
Affiliation:1. Department of Geophysics, University of Oulu, SF-90570 Oulu 57 Finland;2. P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences, Moscow 117218 U.S.S.R.
Abstract:Three groups of electromagnetic data have been considered in order to construct a preliminary geoelectrical depth model of the old basement of the Baltic shield: (i) audiomagnetotelluric data in the period range 13700?18 s; (ii) magnetotelluric data in the period range 25–1000 s; and (iii) global magnetovariation-sounding data in the period range >6 h.These data sets fit together on a common apparent-resistivity curve, indicating the existence of a unified geoelectrical model. This model does not support the existence of conducting crustal or asthenospheric layers.
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