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Crystal chemistry of diagenetic zeolites in volcanoclastic deposits of Italy
Authors:Elio Passaglia  Giovanna Vezzalini
Affiliation:(1) Istituto di Mineralogia, Università di Ferrara, C.so Ercole I∘ d'Este, 32, 44100 Ferrara, Italy;(2) Istituto di Mineralogia e Petrologia, Università di Modena, Via s. Eufemia, 19, 41100 Modena, Italy
Zeolites from the most important volcanoclastic deposits of Italy include: (1) phillipsite and heulandite from the cinerite of the central northern Apennines; (2) chabazite and phillipsite from the phonolitic tephritic ignimbrite with black pumices; (3) phillipsite from the “tufo lionato” of Vulcano Laziale; (4) chabazite and phillipsite from the Campanian ignimbrite; (5) phillipsite from the Neapolitan yellow tuff; and (6) chabazite and phillipsite from the pyroclastics of Monte Vulture. Compared with sedimentary phillipsites and chabazites described in the literature, the chabazites and phillipsites studied here have lower Si/Al ratios and higher K contents. These chemical peculiarities are correlated with both the K-rich vesuvitic-leucititic, latitic-phonolitic, and potassic alkali-trachytic chemistry of the ash from which they were derived and, very likely, with the character of the hydrologically open system environment in which they formed. The zeolite of the heulandite-clinoptilolite group from the cinerite of the central northern Apennines is classified as a true heulandite on the basis of its chemical composition and thermal behavior.
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