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A seismological study of normal faulting in the Demirci, Alaşehir and Gediz earthquakes of 1969–70 in western Turkey: implications for the nature and geometry of deformation in the continental crust
Authors:Haluk Eyidoan  James Jackson
Affiliation:Bullard Laboratories;Madingley Rise, Madingley Road, Cambridge CB3 0EZ
Abstract:Summary. In this study, seismological techniques are combined with surface observations to investigate the faulting associated with three large earthquakes in western Turkey. All involved normal faulting that nucleated at 6–10 km depth with dips in the range 30–50°. The two largest earthquakes, at Alaşehir (1969.3.28) and Gediz (1970.3.28), were clearly multiple events and their seismograms indicate that at least two discrete subevents were involved in producing the observed surface faulting. In addition, their seismograms contain later, longer-period signals that are likely to represent source, not structure or propagation, complexities. These later signals can be modelled by subevents with long time functions on almost flat detachment-type faults.
As a result of these observations, we propose a model for the deformation of the lower crust, in which brittle failure of the top part occurs when high strain rates are imposed during an earthquake that ruptures right through the upper, brittle crust. Under these special circumstances, seismic motion occurs on discrete faults in the lower crust, which otherwise normally deforms by distributed creep. In the case of the normal faults studied here, motion in the uppermost lower crust takes place on shallow dipping faults that are downward continuations of the steeper faults that break to the surface. The faults thus have an overall listric geometry, flattening into a weak zone below the brittle layer at a depth that is probably dependent on the termperature gradient. This interpretation explains why detachment-type mechanisms are not seen in first motion fault plane solutions of normal faulting earthquakes, and suggests an origin for the Metamorphic Core Complexes seen in the Basin and Range Province, which probably represent flat lower crustal faults, analogous to those postulated at Alaşehir and Gediz, that have been uplifted to the surface.
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