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引用本文:张本昀,吴晓明,喻铮铮,王家耀,张震宇. GPS精密单点定位在航摄中应用的精度分析[J]. 测绘科学, 2009, 34(5): 5-7
作者姓名:张本昀  吴晓明  喻铮铮  王家耀  张震宇
摘    要:文章根据GPS精密单点定位原理,结合一例航测工程实践,以传统的事后相位差分解算结果为参考,通过对解算结果的比较统计,进行了GPS精密单点定位的精度分析,结果表明:在剔除系统误差后,二者的符合精度已达厘米级水平。同时把用PPP方法解算的动态数据应用于GPS辅助空三中,也得到了同双差方法相同量级的精度,满足相应航测规范规定的要求。证明GPS精密单点定位的潜在定位精度很高,可以大幅降低航摄外业工作量,提高作业效率和实用性,同时也为我国西部测图提供了一种新思路。

关 键 词:GPS  精密单点定位  摄影测量

Precision analysis of GPS-based precise point positioning in aerial photogrammetry
Abstract:Based on the principle of GPS precise point positioning(PPP) and an aerial photogrammetry practice data,this paper caculated the precision of PPP in the practice,and compared it with another one computed using traditional differentiation positioning on the data.It showed that two precisions were cm level if system error was removed.When the dynamic data got from method was applicated into GPS-assisted aerotriangulation,the same precision could be got.It could meet the requirement of aerial photography.The r...
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