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引用本文:史仁灯,杨经绥,李海兵,王希斌,郑新华. SPOT卫星影像在德尔尼铜矿区域地质研究中的应用[J]. 地质通报, 2000, 19(4): 355-360
作者姓名:史仁灯  杨经绥  李海兵  王希斌  郑新华
基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目!( 49732 0 70 ),国家重点基础研究专项资助项目!(GI9980 40 80 0 )
摘    要:
利用卫星遥感影像对青海省德尔尼铜矿区的区域地质做了判释性研究 :( 1)判释出 3条左旋平移断层及一组羽式构造 ,并测得其中一条断层的左旋平移距离为 12 50m ,而在以往 1∶2 0万和 1∶5万的地质填图中均未发现这 3条断层的平移性质 ;( 2 )判释出作为蛇绿岩组成部分的地幔橄榄岩呈现与一般岩浆岩不同的影像特征。

关 键 词:SPOT卫星影像  德尔尼矿区  青海省

Application of SPOT satellite images in the study of the regional geology of the Dur'ngoi copper district
SHI Ren-deng,YANG Jing-sui,LI Hai-bing,WANG Xi-bin,ZHENG Xin-hua. Application of SPOT satellite images in the study of the regional geology of the Dur'ngoi copper district[J]. Geologcal Bulletin of China, 2000, 19(4): 355-360
Authors:SHI Ren-deng  YANG Jing-sui  LI Hai-bing  WANG Xi-bin  ZHENG Xin-hua
An interpretative study ofthe regional geology of the Dur'ngoi copper district, Qinghai Province, has been conductedusing satellite remote sensing images. (1) Three sinistral strike-slip faults and a set ofplume structure have been interpreted, and one of the faults has been measured to have adisplacement of sinistral strike slip of 1 200 m. The strike slip nature of the threefaults was not found in the previous 1∶200 000 and 1∶50 000 geological mapping. (2)Pyrolite that is interpreted as a component part of ophiolite exhibits image features thatare different from those of ordinary magmatic rocks.
Keywords:SPOT satellite image  Dur'ngoi copper district  Qinghai Province  
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