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引用本文:陆松年. 关于我国前寒武纪研究中几个重点问题的分析[J]. 华北地质, 2002, (2): 65-72. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1672-4135.2002.02.001
摘    要:在综合分析国内外前寒武纪地质研究动向的基础上,强调应加强研究的几个问题,其中包括在古大陆上进一步识别始太古代地壳和深化对古老地壳组成及特点的研究;对我国古元古界系统年代地层单位的南华系建系进行了分折;对孔兹岩系,榴辉岩相变质和蛇绿岩等疑难地层和疑难地质事件时间维的确定应在进行微区测定的同时,深入对测年对象成因矿物学的研究;在前寒武纪超大陆和超大陆事件的研究过程中,应加强综合地层学方法的研究,立足于实际,重点解决我国几个古大陆之间的相互关系及它们在超大陆中的位置,同时强调微大陆块体地史演化对研究造山带和古大陆复原工作的重要性;最后讨论了重大地质事件所引发的资源与环境效应.

关 键 词:始太古代地壳  古元古界再分  南华系建系  测年矿物成因  超大陆和超大陆事件  资源与环境

A Review of Major Problems of Precambrian Research
A Review of Major Problems of Precambrian Research[J]. North China Geology, 2002, (2): 65-72. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1672-4135.2002.02.001
Authors:LU Song-nian
Abstract:Based on integration of Precambrian progress both here and abroad, some major problems in Precambrian research of China are reviewed in this paper. The problems contain to distinguish Eoarehean crusts and deal with their composition and feature, to subdivide of paleoproterozoic Erathem and the late Neoproterozoic Nanhua System. They also include that deep investigation of genetic mineralogy of measured minerals when khondalite, eclogite metamorphism and opholite are dated. In the project of supercontinent and supercontinental event study, integrated methods have to use, and the relationship among ancientcontinents of China and their locations in the supercontinent are dealt further with. The author points out that it is very important to research microcontinent for reconstruction of supercontinent and orogenic evolution. Finally, resources and environment responses for major geological events are discussed.
Keywords:Eoarchean crust  subdivision of Paleoproterozoic  Nanhua System  genetic mineralogy  supercontinent and supercontinental events  resources and environment
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