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引用本文:卢敏,杨柳,王金茵,黄煌,王结臣. 基于核密度估计的点群密度制图应用研究[J]. 测绘工程, 2017, 26(4). DOI: 10.19349/j.cnki.issn1006-7949.2017.04.013
作者姓名:卢敏  杨柳  王金茵  黄煌  王结臣
作者单位:1. 江苏省地理信息技术重点实验室,江苏 南京 210023;南京大学 地理信息科学系,江苏 南京 210023;2. 江苏省基础地理信息中心,江苏 南京,210013
摘    要:随着信息技术的发展,点状专题数据激增,需要突破传统制图方法的表达局限,利用海量点群数据对专题信息进行快速、直观、综合的制图表达。文中以南京市银行的ATM网点数据以及全国KTV营业点分布为制图数据源,探讨了点群数据核密度估计图以及三维核密度曲面图的制作方法,并对其中的关键技术作了深入的研究。研究表明,基于核密度估计的网点密度制图方法,消除了边界分隔对密度计算精度的影响,能更好反映点群数据的空间分布密度、区域差异、动态变化等特征,具备更丰富的表现力。

关 键 词:核密度估计  点群密度制图  最佳带宽计算  三维核密度曲面图

Applications of pointgroup density cartography based on kernel density estimation
LU Min,YANG Liu,WANG Jinyin,HUANG Huang,WANG Jiechen. Applications of pointgroup density cartography based on kernel density estimation[J]. Engineering of Surveying and Mapping, 2017, 26(4). DOI: 10.19349/j.cnki.issn1006-7949.2017.04.013
Authors:LU Min  YANG Liu  WANG Jinyin  HUANG Huang  WANG Jiechen
Abstract:With the development of information technology and the increase of thematic point data,it is necessary to break through the limitation of the traditional cartography and apply mass point group data to express thematic information more quickly,intuitively and comprehensively.This paper,taking ATM network data of banks in Nanj ing and KTV network data in the whole country as given data,studies the methods to make kernel density map and 3D kernel density surface map and presents the key technology further.The study shows that the point density cartography based on the kernel density eliminates the influence of edge on the accuracy of calculating density and reflects the density of point distribution,the regional difference,dynamic change and other characteristics,so which has more abundant expression.
Keywords:kernel density estimation  point group density cartography  optimal bandwidth computation  3-D kernel density surface map
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