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引用本文:李静,刘海砚,杨瑞杰,郭文月,杨明远. 基于论文中高频关键词的GIS领域研究热点的可视化分析[J]. 测绘工程, 2017, 26(8). DOI: 10.19349/j.cnki.issn1006-7949.2017.08.015
作者姓名:李静  刘海砚  杨瑞杰  郭文月  杨明远
作者单位:信息工程大学 地理空间信息学院,河南 郑州,450001
摘    要:文中对国内GIS领域研究发展和研究热点进行可视化分析。利用词频统计和共词分析方法,并结合SPSS统计分析工具,以六大测绘期刊2006—2015年学术论文为数据源,分析GIS领域发文规律、高频关键词在时间维度上的分布规律和聚类特点,发现近五年来国内对GIS领域研究在发文数量上呈逐年下降趋势,且近10年间GIS领域主要关注WebGIS相关应用、地理信息服务、地图制图与可视化、数字城市建设及空间关系相关理论技术5个方面的研究,从一定程度上揭示GIS领域的研究热点及发展状况。

关 键 词:GIS  关鍵词  研究热点  共词分析  可视化

Visual analysis of hot spots in the field of GIS based on high frequency keywords in the paper
LI Jing,LIU Haiyan,YANG Ruijie,GUO Wenyue,YANG Mingyuan. Visual analysis of hot spots in the field of GIS based on high frequency keywords in the paper[J]. Engineering of Surveying and Mapping, 2017, 26(8). DOI: 10.19349/j.cnki.issn1006-7949.2017.08.015
Authors:LI Jing  LIU Haiyan  YANG Ruijie  GUO Wenyue  YANG Mingyuan
Abstract:The paper tries to analyze the development and hot spots of the field of GIS in China.Using the analysis method of frequency statistics and co-word, combining with the SPSS statistical analysis tools, and taking academic papers from Chinese surveying and mapping journals from 2006 to 2015 as the data source, this paper analyzes the number of papers, high frequency keywords in the dimension of time distribution and clustering characteristics.The recent years papers in the field of GIS have been issued with the downward trend.The field of GIS is mainly concerned with five aspects: WebGIS applications, geographic information services, mapping and visualization, digital city construction, and the related theories of spatial relationship.This research reveals the hot spots and the development of the GIS field to a certain degree.
Keywords:GIS  keyword  research hotspot  co-word analysis  visualization
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