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引用本文:陈玉龙,宦国跃,李益敏. 会泽黑颈鹤自然保护区管理系统的设计与实现[J]. 测绘科学, 2017, 42(3). DOI: 10.16251/j.cnki.1009-2307.2017.03.032
作者姓名:陈玉龙  宦国跃  李益敏
作者单位:1. 华东师范大学地理信息科学教育部重点实验室,上海,200062;2. 云南会泽黑颈鹤国家级自然保护区管理局,云南曲靖,654200;3. 云南大学资源环境与地球科学学院,昆明,650091
摘    要:
为了实时掌握保护区珍稀动物的分布、生长情况和数量信息,该文以会泽黑颈鹤国家级自然保护区为研究对象,基于移动GIS和WebGIS技术构建会泽自然保护区信息管理系统。该系统以高清遥感影像为数据支持,将ArcGIS Server地图缓存技术融入其中,通过移动GIS进行自然保护区巡护信息采集并上传到后台服务器,采用WebGIS技术在网络客户端实时对后台服务器数据进行下载更新,从而实现移动端和网络端的信息同步。应用效果表明这种移动化、网络化的数据采集和管理模式,使自然保护区保护黑颈鹤及其越冬地的湿地生态环境工作更加科学、合理。

关 键 词:自然保护区  3S技术  ArcGIS Server  移动GIS  WebGIS

Design of nature reserve information management system based on mobile GIS and WebGIS
CHEN Yulong,HUAN Guoyue,LI Yimin. Design of nature reserve information management system based on mobile GIS and WebGIS[J]. Science of Surveying and Mapping, 2017, 42(3). DOI: 10.16251/j.cnki.1009-2307.2017.03.032
Authors:CHEN Yulong  HUAN Guoyue  LI Yimin
Huize nature reserve has a unique wetland environment and excellent water quality,It is the winter habitat of black necked crane in China.In order to know the distribution,growth and quantity rare animals in the nature reserve,This paper takes Huize nature reserve as the research object and builds the Huize nature reserve management information system by Mobile GIS and WebGIS technology.This system is supported by HD remote sensing image.Also,the system uses map cache technology of ArcGIS server.The mobile GIS technology is used to carry out the information collection and upload to the backend server.The WebGIS technology is used to download and update the background server data in the network client.In addition,application effect shows that the mobile,networked data acquisition and management model,the natural protection district work more scientific and reasonable.The system provides a reliable decision support for the protection of the nature reserve's wetland ecological environment.
Keywords:Nature Reserve  3S technology  ArcGIS Server  mobile GIS  WebGIS
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