新疆自然地名特征 |
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引用本文: | 聂学艳,阎顺. 新疆自然地名特征[J]. 干旱区地理, 2010, 33(2) |
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作者姓名: | 聂学艳 阎顺 |
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作者单位: | 1. 中国科学院新疆生态与地理研究所,新疆,乌鲁木齐,830011;中国科学院研究生院,北京,100049 2. 中国科学院新疆生态与地理研究所,新疆,乌鲁木齐,830011 |
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基金项目: | 新疆维吾尔自治区科技攻关项目,国家科技支撑计划 |
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摘 要: | 从语种(言)、自然地名通名的自然属性、时段、自然地名专名渊源等四个方面对选取的新疆1120个重要自然地名进行分类,在分类统计的基础上,运用地名语言分析学和地理学相关原理方法分析得出新疆自然地名特征。研究发现:以山体类和水体类自然地名为主,分别占总数的40.5%、35.3%,尤其以山脉(272条)和河流(214条)类自然地名最多,分别占总数的24.3%、19.1%。通名名称的数量及其出现的早晚与人们关注程度以及自然学科研究发展是密切相关的。各民族的聚居及迁徙使新疆自然地名具有浓厚的民族性。自然地名存在10种以上民族语地名以及其他古语和合璧语地名分布的独特现象,各民族对自然地名专名和通名称谓不尽相同。在新疆的自然地名中存在着大量地名通名的叠加,如"塔格山"、"郭勒河"、"库木沙漠"、"布拉克泉"等。民族语地名的空间分布和当地居民的民族成分存在很大的相关性。维吾尔语自然地名的53.6%都分布在和田和喀什地区;哈萨克语自然地名的73.2%分布在伊犁哈萨克自治州直辖市县、阿勒泰地区和哈密地区;蒙古语自然地名的64.3%分布在阿勒泰、博尔塔拉、巴音郭楞和伊犁等地、州。博尔塔拉蒙古自治州有96%的自然地名是蒙古语地名,克孜勒苏自治州的柯尔克孜语地名占到柯尔克孜语总地名的81.6%。自然地名形成和发展具有历史演替性(历史阶段性),保存至今的古语地名仅占2.9%,语源较为复杂并且一些古老的地名在使用过程中已被取代或消失;近现代地名数量最大,并且语种明显易于区别。自然地名专名类型复杂多样,共计13类,从多个方面反映出新疆的资源概况、环境以及人们的心理状态、意识形态以及人们的生活或生产方式等,其中以地物、形态、地名以及颜色类居多;在颜色类中又以黑色、白色最多。文章对新疆现存自然地名存在的问题进行了讨论,发现民族语言的差别造成了新疆自然地名存在多地同名、一地多名和地名的转音现象;此外,自然地名实体之间也存在着等级从属关系。
关 键 词: | 新疆 自然地名 类群 自然属性 专名渊源 |
Characteristics of the natural geographical names in Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region |
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Abstract: | In the paper,names of 1 120 places in Xinjiang were categorized according to attributes of language,the natural qualities of generic term of place names,historical stage and the sources of specific term of place names,and the natural characters were drawn by statistical and linguistic analysis and geography-related principles.The results showed that,40.5%and 35.3% of the places were named by hill and water bodies,especially 24.3%(272) and 19.1%(214)by mountains and rivers,respectively;mountains,peaks and mountain passes had priority and were the most in the six categories ofthe general names.The appearance and number ofthe general names had close rela- tions with humang attention and natural science development;the place names had rich nationality for vsxious ethnic inhabitations in Xinjiang.The names included 10 ethnic languages,archaisms and even multi-language combina-tions.and the specific term or generic term of place natnes varied in different ethnic languages.Many repetitions ex-isted in the general nanles(generic term of place names),such as Tage Mountain,Guole River,Kumu Desert and Bulak Spring.Distribution of the names in ethnic languages correlated with local nationalities:53.6% of the names in Uyghur were in Hotan and Kashgar Prefectures,73.2% in Kazak in Yili,Altay and Hami Prefectures and 64.3%in Mongolian in Ahay,Bortala,Bayinbulak and Yili Prefectures;96% of the places in Bortala Prefecture were named in Mongolian and 81.6% in Kizilsu Prefecture in Kirgiz language.The formation and development of the names changed with history:some ancient names with complex derivation were replaced or disappeared,existing names in archaism were merely 2.9% of the total names.and modern names were more and easy to differentiate in languages.The type of specific term of place names were categorized into 13 types which were mainly geographical attributes,shapes,locations and colors,and black and white were more in the kind of colors.Then the paper discussed the con-fusion,such 0.8 different places having the same nanle,various names of the same place,inflexion,and affiliation. |
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Keywords: | Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region natural place names category natural quality resources of the specific term of place name |
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