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引用本文:涂荫玖 杨晓勇 郑永飞 李惠民. 皖东南黄片麻岩的锆石U—Pb年龄[J]. 岩石学报, 2001, 17(1): 157-160
作者姓名:涂荫玖 杨晓勇 郑永飞 李惠民
作者单位:1. 安徽地质矿产局312地质队,
2. 中国科学技术大学地球与空间科学系,
3. 天津地质矿产研究所,
摘    要:在皖东嘉山南黄地区新元古代张八岭岩群之下,隐伏一套角闪岩相的TTG质片麻岩类。单颗锆石U-Pb法年龄测定得到其不一致线上交点年龄为2493±19Ma,代表了片麻岩原岩的形成年龄。这是扬子陆块北东缘首次发现的新太古代基底,证实扬子陆块北缘存在较广泛的新太古代—古元古代基底。

关 键 词:扬子陆块 TTG质片麻岩 锆石U-PB定年 新太古代 形成时代

U-Pb dating of zircon from gneiss at Nanhuang in East Anhui.
Tu Yinjiu,Yang Xiaoyong,Zheng Yongfei and Li Huimin. . Geological Team,Anhui Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources,Bengbu,China. U-Pb dating of zircon from gneiss at Nanhuang in East Anhui.[J]. Acta Petrologica Sinica, 2001, 17(1): 157-160
Authors:Tu Yinjiu  Yang Xiaoyong  Zheng Yongfei  Li Huimin. . Geological Team  Anhui Bureau of Geology  Mineral Resources  Bengbu  China
Affiliation:Tu Yinjiu,Yang Xiaoyong,Zheng Yongfei and Li Huimin. . Geological Team,Anhui Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources,Bengbu,China . Department of Earth and Space Siences,University of Science and Technology of Chin,Hefei,Chin
Abstract:There is a suboutcrop of amphibolite-facies TTG gneiss overlain by Neoproterozoic Zhangbaling Group at Nanhuang region in Jiashan, East Anhui. U-Pb dating was carried out for the single grains of zircon from the gneiss. The results show an age of 2493±19Ma for the upper intersect of discordia with concordia, which is interpreted to represent the formation age of the Nanhuang gneiss. In this regard, there is the Neoarchean rock in the northeastern margin of the Yangtze plate, doucmenting the widespread presence of Neoarchean to Paleoproterozoic basements in the northern margin of the Yangtze plate.
Keywords:Northwestern margin of the Yangtze plate   TTG gneiss   Zircon U-Pb dating   Neoproterozoic
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