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X-ray luminosities of galaxies in groups
Authors:Stephen F. Helsdon  Trevor J. Ponman  Ewan O'Sullivan  Duncan A. Forbes
Affiliation:;1School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 2TT;2Astrophysics &Supercomputing, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, VIC 3122, Australia
Abstract:We have derived the X-ray luminosities of a sample of galaxies in groups, making careful allowance for contaminating intragroup emission. The L X: L B and L X: L FIR relations of spiral galaxies in groups appear to be indistinguishable from those in other environments, however the elliptical galaxies fall into two distinct classes. The first class is central-dominant group galaxies, which are very X-ray luminous and may be the focus of group cooling flows. All other early-type galaxies in groups belong to the second class, which populates an almost constant band of L X/ L B over the range 9.8< log  L B<11.3 . The X-ray emission from these galaxies can be explained by a superposition of discrete galactic X-ray sources together with a contribution from hot gas lost by stars, which varies a great deal from galaxy to galaxy. In the region where the optical luminosity of the non-central group galaxies overlaps with the dominant galaxies, the dominant galaxies are over an order of magnitude more luminous in X-rays.
We also compared these group galaxies with a sample of isolated early-type galaxies, and used previously published work to derive L X: L B relations as a function of environment. The non-dominant group galaxies have mean L X/ L B ratios very similar to those of isolated galaxies, and we see no significant correlation between L X/ L B and environment. We suggest that previous findings of a steep L X: L B relation for early-type galaxies result largely from the inclusion of group-dominant galaxies in samples.
Keywords:galaxies: elliptical and lenticular, cD    galaxies: ISM    galaxies: spiral    X-rays: galaxies
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