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Volcanism in Sanjiang Tethyan Orogenic Belt:New Facts and Concepts
作者单位:Mo Xuanxue Lu Fengxiang Deng JinfuChina University of Geosciences,Wuhan 430074
摘    要:Sanjiang area in Southwestern China is tectonically sit-uated at the east end of Himalaya-Tethys tectonic do-main and at the conjunction of Tethyan MountainChain and Circum-Pacific Mountain Chain.It is one ofthe key areas to understand the global tectonics and alsoone of gigantic metallogenic provinces in China and evenin the world.Volcanism had occurred during the periodof time from Proterozoic to Cenozoic.The most impor-tant and active periods of volcanism,however,areCarboniferous,Permian and Triassic.The pattern ofspatial distribution of Sanjiang volcanic rocks andophiolites can essentially be described as that severalintra——continental micro-massif volcanic districts arerespectively sandwiched between each two of four couplingophiolite—are volcanic belts,which are successively fromwest to east:Dingqing-Nujiang belt,Laneangjiangbelt,Jinshajiang belt and Ganzi-Litang belt.Fourtectono-magmatic types of volcanic rocks have been recognized in Sanjiang area as follows:mid-ocean-ridge/para-mid-ocean-rid

Volcanism in Sanjiang Tethyan Orogenic Belt :New Facts and Concepts
Mo Xuanxue Lu Fengxiang Deng JinfuChina University of Geosciences,Wuhan. Volcanism in Sanjiang Tethyan Orogenic Belt :New Facts and Concepts[J]. Journal of China University of Geosciences, 1991, 0(1)
Authors:Mo Xuanxue Lu Fengxiang Deng JinfuChina University of Geosciences  Wuhan
Affiliation:Mo Xuanxue Lu Fengxiang Deng JinfuChina University of Geosciences,Wuhan 430074
Abstract:Sanjiang area in Southwestern China is tectonically situated at the east end of Himalaya-Tethys tectonic domain and at the conjunction of Tethyan Mountain Chain and Circum-Pacific Mountain Chain. It is one of the key areas to understand the global tectonics and also one of gigantic metallogenic provinces in China and even in the world . Volcanism had occurred during the period of time from Proterozoic to Cenozoic . The most important and active periods of volcanism , however , are Carboniferous , Permian and Triassic . The pattern of spatial distribution of Sanjiang volcanic rocks and ophiolites can essentially be described as that several intra - continental micro-massif volcanic districts are respectively sandwiched between each two of four coupling ophioh'te - arc volcanic belts , which are successively from west to east : Dingqing - Nujiang belt , Lancangjiang belt , Jinshajiang belt and Ganzi-Litang belt . Four tectono - magma tic types of volcanic rocks have been rec-ognized in Sanjiang area as follows: mid -ocean- ridge/ para - mid - ocean - ridge type , arc type , collision type and intra - continent type . The petrotectonic assemblages within suture zones , such as oceanic assemblage , subduction - related assemblage , collision - related assemblage etc ., have been paid more attention to because of their significant importance in reconstruction of the history of Sanjiang Tethyan orogenic belt and plate tectonics .Couph'ng ophiolite - arc volcanic belt, para-mid - ocean - ridge volcanism and volcanic rocks, post -collision arc volcanism and volcanic rocks and tensional volcanic arc are newly defined in the present work . These new facts and concepts will be greatly beneficial to understanding the history of Sanjiang Tethyan plate tectonics and the complexity of the volcanism in orogenic belts and of the evolution of the continental lithosphere . A preliminary model of the evolution of Sanjiang Tethys under petrotectonic constraints was presented . It consists of the following four successive stages : (1) Late Paleozoic ocean spreading - dominant stage , (2 ) Early Mesozoic subduction and closing - dominant stage , (3) Late Mesozoic collisional orogenic stage characterized by crust shortening and compression , and (4 ) Cenozoic intra - continent orogenic stage characterized by crustal slipping - out and strike - slipping .
Keywords:island arc   ophiolite   collision    Tethys    volcanism   Sanjiang area .
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