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Recovering the initial conditions of our local Universe from NOG and PSCz catalogues
Authors:Fabio Fontanot  Pierluigi Monaco   Stefano Borgani
Affiliation:Dipartimento di Astronomia, Universitàdi Trieste, via Tiepolo 11, 34131 Trieste, Italy
Abstract:We apply the ztrace algorithm to the optical NOG and infrared PSC z galaxy catalogues to reconstruct the pattern of primordial fluctuations that have generated our local Universe. We check that the density fields traced by the two catalogues are well correlated, and consistent with a linear relation [either in δ or in  log (1 +δ)  ] with relative bias (of NOG with respect to PSC z )   b rel= 1.1 ± 0.1  . The relative bias relation is used to fill the optical zone of avoidance at  | b | < 20°  using the PSC z galaxy density field.
We perform extensive testing on simulated galaxy catalogues to optimize the reconstruction. The quality of the reconstruction is predicted to be good at large scales, up to a limiting wavenumber   k lim≃ 0.4 h Mpc−1  beyond which all information is lost. We find that the improvement arising from the denser sampling of the optical catalogue is compensated by the uncertainties connected to the larger zone of avoidance.
The initial conditions reconstructed from the NOG catalogue are found (analogously to those from the PSC z ) to be consistent with a Gaussian paradigm. We use the reconstructions to produce sets of initial conditions ready to be used for constrained simulations of our local Universe.
Keywords:catalogues    galaxies: clusters: general    cosmology: theory    dark matter    large-scale structure of Universe
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