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Dust drift solitary waves with superthermal electrons and ions
Authors:Q. Haque
Affiliation:1. Theoretical Plasma Physics Division, PINSTECH, P.O. Nilore, Islamabad, Pakistan
Abstract:Linear and nonlinear dust drift waves are investigated in the presence of kappa distributed electrons and ions. The dispersion characteristics of linear waves show that the phase velocity decreases with the inclusion of highly energetic particles in the tail of the distribution. In the nonlinear regime, a nonlinear partial differential equation is obtained in the long wave length limit. A stationary solution of this equation in the form of solitary waves is discussed and noticed that the amplitude of the solitary pulse decreases with the increase of superthermal particle’s effect, and its width expands. Further, it is found that speed limit of the nonlinear structures is also modified in the non-Maxwellian plasma. Theoretically obtained results are applied to Saturn’s’ dusty plasma environment. It is also pointed out that the present results can be helpful for further understanding of space plasmas.
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