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For infrared spectrophotometry of Jupiter and Saturn
Authors:E.F. Erickson  D. Goorvitch  J.P. Simpson  D.W. Strecker
Affiliation:Space Science Division, Ames Research Center, NASA, Moffett Field, California 94035, USA
Abstract:Infrared spectral observations of Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn were made from 100 to 470 cm?1 using NASA's G. P. Kuiper Airborne Observatory. Taking Mars as a calibration source, we determined brightness temperatures of Jupiter and Saturn with approximately 5 cm?1 resolution. The data are used to determine the internal luminosities of the giant planets, for which more than 75% of the thermally emitted power is estimated to be in the measured bandpass: for Jupiter LJ = (8.0 ± 2.0) × 10?10L and for Saturn LS = (3.6 ± 0.9) × 10?10. The ratio R of thermally emitted power to solar power absorbed was estimated to be RJ = 1.6 ± 0.2, and RS = 2.7 ± 0.8 from the observations when both planets were near perihelion. The Jupiter spectrum clearly shows the presence of the rotational ammonia transitions which strongly influence the opacity at frequencies ?250 cm?1. Comparison of the data with spectra predicted from current models of Jupiter and Saturn permits inferences regarding the structure of the planetary atmospheres below the temperature inversion. In particular, an opacity source in addition to gaseous hydrogen and ammonia, such as ammonia ice crystals as suggested by Orton, may be necessary to explain the observed Jupiter spectrum in the vicinity of 250 cm?1.
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