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Baroclinic oscillations of tidal frequency at ocean weather station P
Authors:Richard Thomson  Susumu Tabata
Affiliation:Institute of Ocean Sciences , Sidney, British Columbia

We analyse time series records of isopleth depths derived from two extended sequences of hourly and bi‐hourly sampled profiles taken at Ocean Weather Station P during the summers of 1961 and 1969. Vertical displacements to 240‐m depth are mainly of semidiurnal frequency with r.m.s. amplitudes of 1–4 m. Displacements at diurnal and near‐inertial frequencies are typically less than a metre and have little statistical significance. Within the semidiurnal band, motions appear to be predominantly at the principal solar (S2) rather than the principal lunar (M2) semidiurnal frequency. The phase of the M2 baroclinic tide is roughly equal to that of the M2 barotropic tide (as extrapolated from coastal and seamount observations); phases of other constituents differ appreciably from barotropic values.
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