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Multiple discriminant analysis of the Drava River alluvial plain sediments
Authors:Zoran Peh  Robert Šajn  Josip Halamić  Lidija Galović
Affiliation:(1) Croatian Geological Institute, Sachsova 2, P.O. Box 268, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia;(2) Geological Survey of Slovenia, Dimičeva 14, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Abstract:Three discriminant function models are raised and cross-compared in order to distinguish geochemical patterns characteristic for the Drava River floodplain sediments. Based on data representing total element concentrations in samples collected from alluvium (A), terrace (T), and unconsolidated bedrock (B) at the border of a floodplain, four element clusters emerged accounting for discrimination between the referred groups of sediments. The most prominent is contaminant/carbonate cluster characteristic for alluvium. The other two are: silicate cluster typical for unconsolidated geological substrate (Neogene sedimentary rocks); and naturally dispersed heavy metal cluster separating terrace from the former two groups. Models introducing depth intervals and single profiles as grouping criteria reveal identical sediment-heavy metal matrices. The second important issue of this paper is possibility of reclassification of samples originally assigned to one of the a priori defined groups of sediments, based on established geochemical pattern. The mapped geological units can be reconsidered by the post hoc assignments to a different group if geological border between alluvium and terrace or between terrace and bedrock can not be established geologically with absolute certainty.
Keywords:Floodplain sediments  Heavy metals  Multiple discriminant analysis  Drava River  Slovenia  Croatia
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