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引用本文:孟万忠,王尚义,赵景波. ENSO事件与山西气候的关系[J]. 中国沙漠, 2013, 33(1): 258-264. DOI: 10.7522/j.issn.1000-694X.2013.00035
作者姓名:孟万忠  王尚义  赵景波
作者单位:1.太原师范学院, 山西 太原 030012; 2.陕西师范大学, 陕西 西安 710062
摘    要:通过搜集和整理1955-2008年大同、河曲、原平、太原、阳泉、介休、离石、长治、临汾、运城等地的气象资料,分析了山西的降水量、气温与ENSO事件的关系,研究了ENSO事件对山西气候的影响。结果表明,1955-2008年ENSO事件呈现出起伏波动的特点,1980年以后波动趋势更为剧烈;大致可分为两个阶段:1955-1980年为第1阶段,ENSO冷事件的频次略高于暖事件,但强度更大;1981-2008年为第2阶段,ENSO暖事件的频次和强度均高于冷事件。ENSO事件对山西降水量的影响表现十分明显,ENSO暖事件当年降水量明显偏低,次年降水量明显增加或达到最高趋势明显。ENSO冷事件年全省降水量均明显增加。ENSO事件对山西气温的影响也十分显著,ENSO暖事件年大多表现为气温偏高或升温,ENSO冷事件年一般表现为气温偏低或降温。

关 键 词:ENSO事件   降水量   气温   山西  

Relationship between ENSO Events and the Climate during 1955-2008 in Shanxi,China
MENG Wan-zhong,WANG Shang-yi,ZHAO Jing-bo. Relationship between ENSO Events and the Climate during 1955-2008 in Shanxi,China[J]. ournal of Desert Research, 2013, 33(1): 258-264. DOI: 10.7522/j.issn.1000-694X.2013.00035
Authors:MENG Wan-zhong  WANG Shang-yi  ZHAO Jing-bo
Affiliation:1.Taiyuan Normal University, Taiyuan 030012, China; ;2.Shaanxi Normal University, Xian 710062, China
Abstract:Based on the meteorological data during 1955-2008 from ten meteorological stations in the Shanxi Province, we studied the relationship between precipitation, temperature and the ENSO events, analyzed the effect of the ENSO events on climate change in the study region. Results showed that the ENSO events variation presented fluctuation characteristics and the fluctuation amplitude was relatively large after 1980. The variation of the ENSO events can be divided into two stages from 1955 to 2008. The frequency of the ENSO cold events was slightly higher and its strength was greater than that of the ENSO warm events in the first stage from 1955 to 1980, and the frequency of the ENSO warm events was higher and its strength was greater than that of the ENSO cold events in the second stage from 1981 to 2008. The effects of the ENSO events on precipitation and temperature were very significant in Shanxi Province. The annual precipitation was significantly low in the year when the ENSO warm events occurred, and the precipitation increased significantly or achieved peak value in the next year. The precipitation increased significantly when the ENSO cold events occurred. The temperature was high when the ENSO warm events occurred, and the temperature was low when the ENSO cold events occurred.
Keywords:ENSO events  precipitation  temperature  Shanxi
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